Nj0rd12 · @nj0rd12
13 followers · 28 posts · Server nerdculture.de

Nothing like a bunch of deliveries at the same time! Waiting for the second haul. Really excited to run some games!

Slightly disappointed that I didn't realize the version on lulu was not the remaster but oh well, still a cool book

#DCO #osr #whitehack #dungeoncrawlclassics #DCC #deepcarbonobservatory #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
108 followers · 22 posts · Server dice.camp

Eager to make up for their sins, the party set the rest of the captains crew up with a nice pension, split the take evenly with the tribe of Reed Warriors and charged them with keeping watch over the entrance, after plugging it with stone to mud bombs and rubble.

The two remaining PCs got some nice epilogues - highlights included using the tear of time to undo a henchmans death and guiding the tox-men home to their plane. 3/3

#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory #whitehack

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
108 followers · 21 posts · Server dice.camp

Later, they found that once you crossed the threshold of murder and human sacrifice, it's easier to justify the next one. Unfortunately, 🐌 Zarathustra's crew didn't want to be sacrificed like their captain. Three more sailors died in the struggle. But in the end, most of the observatorys wondrous treasures were salvaged. 2/3

#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory #whitehack

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
108 followers · 20 posts · Server dice.camp

In the final episode of our campaign, the descent into darkness continues, but only figuratively. After marveling at the wonders of the Kyriarchs royal suites, the party managed to avoid tragedy after lying about their role in Captain Zarathustras death to lovable rascal Wit Tamdoun, who picked up the Kyriarchs Sceptre - which compels you to destroy liars. 1/3

#deepcarbonobservatory #DCO #whitehack

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
104 followers · 19 posts · Server dice.camp

Today, in our penultimate session of , the 'heroes' experimented with azimoths, rescued an ancient slave, and after failing to activate a stone to mud bomb, opted for human sacrifice. Their pesky sponsor Snailshell Zarathustra was fed to a giant adamtine snake, giving them access to the inner chambers of the Observatory - the Kyriachs Throneroom.

#deepcarbonobservatory #DCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Matt "msw" Wilson · @msw
2380 followers · 1047 posts · Server mstdn.social

If you are a developer working on a project that takes contributions under the Developer Certificate of Origin (developercertificate.org/), would you have concerns about using coding assist tools like in developing your submission?

This question assumes you understand the attestation you're making with your "Signed-off-by:" line in a commit...

#DCO #OpenSource #FreeSoftware #copilot #generativeAI #FOSS

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
105 followers · 14 posts · Server dice.camp

We finally returned to Deep Carbon Observatory this Sunday. The party defeated the horrid giant, cut their friends loose from his stomach and gave them a proper burial. Then they returned to loot the Observatory.

#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
178 followers · 294 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Neu für mein minimalistisches narratives Rollenspiel alea atra: eine Konversion von Deep Carbon Observatory . Einschließlich einer neuen Tabelle zur Figurenerschaffung sowie (erwartungsgemäß einfachen) Regeln für Erfahrungspunkte und gefundene magische Gegenstände. florik.itch.io/alea-atra/devlo


Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
178 followers · 294 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

I can perfectly understand that. Even as a GM, and though I had looked up all of the geological terms, I felt I knew only part of what was going on in the Observatory itself in (or rather, what _had been_ going on in ancient times).


Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
178 followers · 290 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Yesterday, we finished our playthrough of Deep Carbon Observatory . It was intense and weird and deadly. We played nine sessions and reached a satisfying conclusion, but to see all of it would have taken about four more.

My favourite part was the beginning in flooded Carrowmore. Another player voted for the Observatory itself, though she doesn‘t really like dungeons.

What was your favourite, @bin_nebenan?

#ttrpg #DCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
177 followers · 285 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

So war der Dezember, was und angeht: viel , und über die Feiertage mehrfach nach Mittelerde gereist.

#pnpde #brettspiele #DCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
179 followers · 275 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Yesterday in the Deep Carbon Observatory, the gambler Jotna and the fighter Kaya found the lens and looked down into the depths of their Earth. They saw strange men trying to destroy a Dvargir fortress.

Kaya sighed. She had hoped to find another, better world, something different from the constant fighting of her former soldier life.

Then they heard steps coming down the stairs and committed a possibly fatal blunder: They extinguished their lamp.

#DCO #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
173 followers · 246 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Weekly report upcoming:

Yesterday in the Deep Carbon Observatory, the party went deep into the dungeon. They had split up in the previous session and didn't meet in this one!

Jotna and Kaya spent a long time opening crates in the Armoury, but the dice were in their favour, they weren't disturbed while amassing new equipment like crossbows and stone-to-mud bombs. They even tried the latter and discovered their properties by coincidence.


#DCO #ttrpg

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
165 followers · 224 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

In the meantime, Cremus and Wit Tamdoun had wandered off in search of Ruskin Behaviour, an NPC wizard who is still accompanying the party. The two groups are now at opposing ends of the dungeon!

We're playing "Deep Carbon Observatory" alias , by Patrick Stuart. This was session 6. I'm guessing we need two more to reach a kind of ending.



Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
165 followers · 222 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

In yesterday's session, the 6th in our mini-campaign, the characters reached the Deep Carbon Observatory . Jotna played around with some stone statues, trying to cripple them, when - of course - they came to life. To stop him.

After this, they didn't explore all that much, as they were facing old enemies. They made a deal with the Crows ("you go left, we go right"), but neither party stuck to it: the dwarf Ghar let fly a shot the moment Kaya threw her spear at him.


#ttrpg #DCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
164 followers · 203 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

Also, by coincidence, Jotna who is haunted by nightmares of a woman wirh moon eyes and starlight hair is the only one never to have seen the witch!

We‘re playing by Patrick Stuart. This was session 5.


Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
164 followers · 200 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

In yesterday‘s session, the group reached the Deep Carbon Observatory! But before that, they squabbled.

That was because they met this spy of the Reed people who asked them about the Kapeks. Karl Kapek was a sort of friend of theirs. And yet, the reed people were mortally afraid of his revenge.

The shaman Cremus would have left them to their little war. Not Jotna and Kaya, though. They were going to settle this nonsensical dispute!


#ttrpg #DCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
95 followers · 11 posts · Server dice.camp

This week, the players continued their exploration of the Observatory. Met some nice but haughty salt dryads. Their opium addled companion, the cursed wizard Von der Linth, got eaten by a giant. They sought protection from the dryads in exchange for a promise to find a stolen heart, and were granted a night of rest. On their way up they were followed by the giant, and the Shadowdancer fell during their fighting retreat. , ,

#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory #sessionreport #whitehack

Last updated 2 years ago

Florik · @florik
144 followers · 159 posts · Server rollenspiel.social

In yesterday‘s session, our band of adventurers explored a broken dam, released mummified ancient things in jars, got terribly scared. The gambler Jotna ended up in a Fugue state among the Crows, a rival group… He needed all his luck and wits to escape. The brave mercenary Kaya however used the magic sword Varistor to reflect her fear back on the undead and held them back- at least for a while.

#ttrpg #DCO

Last updated 2 years ago

Asbjørn Flø · @lyngordon
95 followers · 11 posts · Server dice.camp

@florik my players picked up Dunekdib of the Reed People from a log, and sided with the villagers in an epic showdown. Pufferfish mines enhanced with wormomantic incantations where used to great effect. Interesting to see where your players come down in this age long conflict, I'm sure the kapeks have legitimate grievances too. 😁 🐸

#DCO #deepcarbonobservatory

Last updated 2 years ago