#Historians - anyone know where I'd get a map of historical #Dublin #DED #DistrictElectoralDivision to help me navigate the 1901 and 1911 censuses - I'm getting to know the north quays from the south, etc, but it would be very handy to just have a map #CensusOfIreland @ccferrie @marymcauliffe
#historians #dublin #DED #districtelectoraldivision #censusofireland
My #SpotifyWrapped top 10 songs: #HardRock #heavymetal
1) Kill Beautiful Things by #DED
2) Shotgun Blues by #Volbeat
3) Call Me Little Sunshine by #Ghost
4) So Called Life by #ThreeDaysGrace
5) Coming for the Throne by #Otherwise
6) Boomerang by #SmashIntoPieces
7) Mary on a Cross by Ghost
8) Tainted Blood by #BlueOysterCult
9) Heathens by Smash into Pieces
10) Take What You Want by #DefLeppard
#defleppard #blueoystercult #smashintopieces #otherwise #threedaysgrace #ghost #volbeat #DED #heavymetal #hardrock #SpotifyWrapped
Let’s do a proper #introduction. I am biologist, with MSc in #biotechnology and in #bioinformatics. I did my PhD in #anatomy and #transcriptomics of wound-healing and resprouting in the Canary Island pine. My current project focus on #genomics, #epigenomics and association studies in Picea abies, and I also collaborate in the transcriptomic response in Dutch elm disease (#DED) and Ash dieback (#ADB).
I enjoy travelling, films, and listening/playing music.
#TheWire is the best series ever.
#introduction #biotechnology #bioinformatics #anatomy #Transcriptomics #Genomics #Epigenomics #DED #ADB #TheWire