Yorkshire Dales grouse moor owner appointed to ‘key role’ at DEFRA – Raptor Persecution UK
The owner of a #Yorkshire #Dales #grouse moor has been appointed to a ‘key role’ at #DEFRA by the Secretary of State for #Environment, #Food and #RuralAffairs, #ThereseCoffey.
#ThereseCoffey #ruralaffairs #food #environment #DEFRA #grouse #dales #yorkshire
United Kingdom returns as GBIF Voting Participant 🎉 🥳 🇬🇧
With its renewed commitment, the UK rejoins 42 other countries that fund GBIF’s core global budget and signals support of national stakeholder community led by #NBNAtlas #NHMLondon #Kew #JNCC #Defra
#NBNAtlas #NHMLondon #kew #jncc #DEFRA
Now the #TorySewageParty are considering stripping #NaturalEngland of its powers - no to the #PeakDistrict being a #SSSI (Site of Special Scientific Interest), no to #Farmers getting funding for #Nature friendly practices, all because Natural England is ENFORCING the rules to farmers who breach SSSIs.
#DEFRA appears silent so far.
Already the UK is #Biodiversity deficient, so hey #Tory party can make it worse
#GTTO #Nature #GreenSpace #Rewilding
#rewilding #greenspace #gtto #tory #biodiversity #DEFRA #nature #farmers #sssi #peakdistrict #naturalengland #TorySewageParty
Just a small reminder about how 27 people got sick at the #Whitstable #Oyster festival in 2021 due to the #TorySewageParty allowing #RawSewage into #Rivers #Seas and #Waterways
#GTTO #ToryCorruption #DEFRA #Environment
Will it be more this year?
Will it be able to go ahead?
#environment #DEFRA #ToryCorruption #gtto #waterways #seas #rivers #RawSewage #TorySewageParty #oyster #Whitstable
Parliamentary question: what steps is #DEFRA taking to fully investigate #raptor #persecution crimes during #avianFlu pandemic? – Raptor Persecution UK
Another timely written question from Caroline Lucas MP (Green Party), as follows:
#avianflu #persecution #raptor #DEFRA
@Jon6705 doubtless these canny farmers will now be planting #turnips as a substitute for 🍎🍎, with the help of a generous #postBrexit #DEFRA #subsidy from #TurnipCoffey
#BrexitDividends for the true believers round every corner. Meanwhile the rest of us make do on #war #rations.
#rations #war #brexitdividends #turnipcoffey #subsidy #DEFRA #postbrexit #turnips
#Benyon spouting nonsense...again.
#avianinfluenza #gamebirds #shootingestates #DEFRA
#benyon #AvianInfluenza #gamebirds #shootingestates #DEFRA
#Defra Secretary of State warned: Take wild #animals and #pets out of the #gene_editing_bill
BeyondGM has written to Thérèse Coffey to urge vital amendments to protect non-agricultural, wild plants and animals
“…we are facing a genetic engineering free-for-all with #gene_edited #puppies & #kittens in the pet shop, #trees in the woods, & grass in the parks …”
#trees #kittens #puppies #gene_edited #gene_editing_bill #pets #animals #DEFRA
"#Defra has approved an emergency temporary authorisation for the use of a #neonicotinoid #pesticide treatment on this year’s sugar beet crop due to the risk to the crop from yellows viruses."
ECP "supports the HSE’s Chemical Regulation Division (CRD) assessment and that it is unable to support an emergency authorisation under Art 53 of Reg 1107/2009, as potential adverse effects to #honeybees and other #pollinators outweigh the likely benefits"
#pollinators #honeybees #pesticide #neonicotinoid #DEFRA
RT @quentinbudworth@twitter.com
It's ecocide - and the government are still trying to hide it to defend the Teesport flagship development.
#C4News #BBCBreaking #Reuters #BBCBreakfast #bbcpm #bbcwato #r4today #countryfile #ramblings #springwatch #ecocide #coffey #BenHouchen #DEFRA https://twitter.com/GeraintDaviesMP/status/1613482564106297344
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/quentinbudworth/status/1613582374876622848
#c4news #bbcbreaking #reuters #bbcbreakfast #bbcpm #bbcwato #r4today #countryfile #ramblings #springwatch #ecocide #Coffey #benhouchen #DEFRA
A different kind of politician. We need more of them like Jim McMahon.
#environment #defra #farming #fishing #RightToRoam# #nature #sewage #GreenSpaces #Treeplanting #InneCity #WorkingClass
#environment #DEFRA #farming #fishing #RightToRoam #nature #sewage #greenspaces #Treeplanting #innecity #workingclass
Aaaaargh, Monbiot, yet again. He just loves the sound of his own voice.
No form of heating is eco friendly, not even solar, those panels don't come from a solar tree. The press vilified wood burning stoves long before Monbiot's latest 'scare mongering'.
Due to some seriously flawed results from #DEFRA they were blamed for 38% of PM2.5 particulates in the UK, the actual figure is nearer 17% but hey, that's not such a great story.
Check out #DRAX power station for a real villain. ;)
12 years of tory government has left us this mess. I will be 74 before the government now expects the waterways of the uk to be clean.
#cleanourrivers #DEFRA #britishwaterways #britishrivers #torycrisis
#cleanourrivers #DEFRA #britishwaterways #britishrivers #torycrisis
More on #SchrodingersPheasant from #WildJustice
What will #DEFRA do ? #AvianInfluenza #birdflu #bloodsports
#SchrodingersPheasant #wildjustice #DEFRA #AvianInfluenza #birdflu #bloodsports
Defra's budget getting cut in real terms so they will struggle to deal with sewage dumping.
I know Conservatives hold people in contempt but what have the rivers ever done to them?
Don't they enjoy our countryside and coast?
Do they see the literal crap floating around our island and say "ahhh yes, I love the smell of capitalism in the morning"?
When you see the UK environment turning into a polluted wasteland before your eyes, you've the Tories to thank.
#RichardBenwell from #WildlifeAndCountrysideLink asks if #DEFRA can halt the decline of Nature.? What is needed to see-off the #AttackOnNature? There is no data underpinning gov policies for delivery of nature protection. “We need bigger, better & more joined up data”.
#RichardBenwell #WildlifeAndCountrysideLink #DEFRA #AttackOnNature