#ERCOT Issues Voluntary Conservation Notice https://www.ercot.com/news/release/2023-08-17-ercot-issues-voluntary #dfw #tx #txenergy
#yesterday — just in time for the incoming heat. If you’re in #dfw #dallas #plano and need your a/c fixed, I can tell you who to call.
#yesterday #DFW #dallas #plano
Baruch ha’Shem. #dfw https://t.l3r.me/users/wfaa/statuses/1661160105990139905
I get the parameters of the #severewx risk for #dfw #dfwwx today, but I’m familiar enough with real bad setups after living here for 12 years and this one needs to get its sh*t together in a hurry if it’s going to produce something nasty at least in north #Dallas. Dewpoint is only 59 at the moment; if that doesn’t kick up somewhere into the upper 60s over the next 2-3 hours you’re going to see a messy blob when the dryline storms to the west finally move in. There’s still time, but not much.
Good advice from @rickmitchellwx for those going to see #TaylorSwift or the #TexasRangers in #ArlingtonTX #DFW this evening — if the fit’s gonna hit the shan, it’ll be around late afternoon/early evening…so plan ahead and arrive early. You absolutely want to be *inside* the venue when the storm line rolls through.
#taylorswift #texasrangers #arlingtontx #DFW
Oy. Triple-point tracking right along the Red River on Thursday aft/eve…. Heads up #dfw! #StormSeason #SevereStorms #SevereWeatherOutlook https://bird.makeup/users/marielruizwx/statuses/1630545881274433536
#DFW #stormseason #severestorms #severeweatheroutlook
Via @brianjameswx: “Texoma is in the 20s and 30s right now. It's hard to believe that by Sunday aftn and evening, there will be pretty good chance for strong to severe storms in the same area. Please be #WeatherAware! #WinterToSpring #SevereStorms #txwx #okwx #texomawx #dfwwx”
#SevereWeatherOutlook #Severe storms possible Sunday afternoon/evening northwest of #dfw into #Texoma, #SPC level 3 of 5 risk (“Enhanced”), all modes possible.
#weatheraware #wintertospring #severestorms #txwx #OKWX #texomawx #dfwwx #severeweatheroutlook #severe #DFW #texoma #SPC
Venus and Jupiter near the waxing crescent moon in a crystal-clear sky over far north Dallas tonight. #Space #Astronomy #dfw #Dallas
#space #Astronomy #DFW #dallas
#HappyNewYear2023 from the Big D! #Dallas #DallasTexas #DFW
#happynewyear2023 #dallas #dallastexas #DFW
@meganthebest awesome! The #MacAdmin community in general has been the most helpful and collaborative professional community I’ve ever been a part of.
I was having trouble getting a content filter update installed just this week and a user in the MacAdmins Slack walked me through his process.
I believe there’s a #DFW group of MacAdmins that meet regularly, too. I haven’t joined in quite some time due to other obligations but they were an incredible resource early in my career.
#NWSSPC @nwsspc has #severe #weather in the forecast for Monday, 12/12 for the #dfw #metroplex and surrounding region into parts of #oklahoma and #arkansas. Stay #weatherAware y’all. #txwx #okwx #arwx #dfwwx
#nwsspc #severe #weather #DFW #metroplex #oklahoma #arkansas #weatheraware #txwx #OKWX #ARwx #dfwwx
Hey, I’m Mark! I’m a dad of two, a husband, and a #k12sysadmin in a large school district in D/FW, focused mainly on #MacAdmin and #GoogleWorkspace administration. Time for hobbies is limited right now with young kids but I’m really into #coffee - mostly at-home drip/immersion brewing. I’ve been a lifelong fan of the #texasrangers and #dallasmavericks, and a follower of the other #DFW sports teams.
#k12sysadmin #MacAdmin #googleworkspace #coffee #texasrangers #dallasmavericks #DFW #intros
Hey, I’m Mark! I’m a dad of two, a husband, and a #k12sysadmin in a large school district in D/FW, focused mainly on #MacAdmin and #GoogleWorkspace administration. Time for hobbies is limited right now with young kids but I’m really into #coffee - mostly at-home drip/immersion brewing. I’ve been a lifelong fan of the #texasrangers and #dallasmavericks, and a follower of the other #DFW sports teams.
#k12sysadmin #MacAdmin #googleworkspace #coffee #texasrangers #dallasmavericks #DFW