Want to use a dynamic global vegetation model, but you're not a modeler? Don't own a supercomputer? We've got you covered! Eva Lieungh and Lasse Keetz developed The Land Sites Platform which runs on your own laptop and can be used through a simple browser interface: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/gcb.16808
#CTSM #FATES #ClimateModel #DGVM
#DGVM #ClimateModel #fates #ctsm
First paper by my PhD student Marius Lambert just got accepted in #GMD. 👏
He shows that you can't correctly model plant hydraulics in cold regions unless you account for physiological adaptations to avoid frost damage (i.e., cold hardening). https://gmd.copernicus.org/preprints/gmd-2022-136/
Jargon-free summary: This study is an important step forward for climate models to correctly simulate the impact of droughts on vegetation growth across the arctic-boreal region.