D.H.Lawrence country, the Lane towards Willeywood Farm, June 2023.
#photography #landscapephotography #sepia #nottinghamshire #eastwood #DHLawrence #place
#photography #landscapephotography #sepia #nottinghamshire #eastwood #DHLawrence #place
Explore D. H. Lawrence's environment.
#dhlawrence #eastwood #nottingham #nottinghamshire #modernism #maps #literaryheritage #walking
#DHLawrence #eastwood #Nottingham #nottinghamshire #modernism #maps #literaryheritage #walking
Our Beloved #GlendaJackson as Goudren, in brilliant #KenRussell 's WOMEN IN LOVE, based on the play by foundational genius #DHLawrence , screenplay by pioneer #LarryKramer .
One of the greatest scenes in film history.
#glendajackson #kenrussell #DHLawrence #larrykramer
#Alussa ei ollut #sana, vaan #viserrys.
Kirjasta #Korvillepiirretytkuvat, toim. Eero Aro&MikkoViljanen.
#alussa #Sana #viserrys #DHLawrence #korvillepiirretytkuvat
The Elephant is Slow to Mate
by D. H. Lawrence
The elephant, the huge old beast,
is slow to mate;
he finds a female, they show no haste
they wait
Oldest they are and the wisest of beasts
so they know at last
how to wait for the loneliest of feasts
for the full repast.
They do not snatch, they do not tear;
their massive blood
moves as the moon-tides, near, more near
till they touch in flood.
#dhlawrence #poem #poetry
Latest read, Her Turn (1912) by D.H. Lawrence from The Fox and Other Stories. The shrewd second wife of a swarthy coal miner engages in a battle of wills over how to spend household funds.
And is more than up to the challenge.
#books #shortstory #DHLawrence #literature
D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #Käännös #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännös #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #kaannos #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannos #runosuomennos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos
D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)
Pieni joki visertämässä iltahämärässä,
kelmeä, ihmettelevä ilme kalpean taivaan,
tämä on lähes autuus...
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos
Hey @paulcatiang this is DHLawrence's chapter on Moby Dick in his Studies on Classic American Literature
(i honestly prefer DH Lawrence as an essayist than a novelist; for me, somehow his ridiculous style, which is tedious in his fiction, is a riot in his essays)
#DHLawrence #StudiesInClassicAmericanLiterature #HermanMelville #MobyDick
#DHLawrence #studiesinclassicamericanliterature #hermanmelville #mobydick
Relativity, by D.H. Lawrence
I like relativity and quantum theories
because I don't understand them
and they make feel as if space shifted about like a swan that can't settle
refusing to sit still and be measured;
and as if the atom were an impulsive thing
always changing its mind.
I ordered a #PenguinClassics paperback of “Lady Chatterley‘s Lover” by D.H. Lawrence and it arrived today all banged up (no pun intended). So I’m going to make it my beach read when I go back to #TybeeIsland weekend after next (Jan. 13-17), and it will probably get sand and sea water on it and maybe coffee, but that’s OK since it’s already banged up. On the cover is an abstract drawing by Georgia O’Keeffe that looks vaguely like a nipple.
#penguinclassics #tybeeisland #beachread #DHLawrence #reading
MT VOID #2256: Schedule of discussion groups, comments by #MarkRLeeper on #TCM for January #TheRockingHorseWinner #DHLawrence, letter of comment on #CatherineCalledBirdy, comments on #TheBookOfNothing #JohnDBarrow at http://leepers.us/mtvoid/VOID1230.htm from @eleeper and #MarkRLeeper
#markrleeper #tcm #therockinghorsewinner #DHLawrence #catherinecalledbirdy #thebookofnothing #johndbarrow
D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #Käännös #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännökset #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runosuomennoksia #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #kaannos #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannokset #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runosuomennoksia #runosuomennos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos
🔖 "[...] Para manter a #Indústria viva, era preciso mais Indústria - parecia uma loucura."
Pg. 332 do #Livro #OAmanteDeLadyChatterley, de #DHLawrence, publicado originalmente em 1928.
Por #Antofágica:
#Literatura #LiteraturaInglesa
#Livros #MastoLivros
#industria #livro #oamantedeladychatterley #DHLawrence #antofagica #literatura #literaturainglesa #livros #mastolivros #oslivrosdemaria
🔖 "[...] E também tem o tipo que te expulsa antes que você tenha prazer, e ficam se contorcendo até se satisfazer nas suas coxas. Mas essas são mais do tipo lésbico. É impressionante como as #mulheres são #lésbicas, consciente ou inconscientemente. Me parece que são quase todas lésbicas."
Pg. 317 do #Livro #OAmanteDeLadyChatterley, de #DHLawrence, publicado em 1928.
Por #Antofágica:
#Literatura #LiteraturaInglesa
#MastoBooks #Bookstodon
#Livros #OsLivrosDeMaria
#livro #oamantedeladychatterley #DHLawrence #antofagica #literatura #literaturainglesa #mastobooks #bookstodon #livros #oslivrosdemaria #mulheres #lesbicas
🔖 "[...] Não adiantava tentar se livrar da própria #solidão. Era preciso suportá-la a vida toda. Só às vezes, pouquíssimas vezes, aquela lacuna era preenchida. Só às vezes! Mas era preciso esperar esses momentos, aceitar a própria solidão e manter-se firme a vida toda. E então aceitar aquelas vezes que a lacuna era preenchida, quando alguém surgia para preenchê-la. Mas a pessoa tinha que surgir - não havia como forçar."
Do #Livro #OAmanteDeLadyChatterley, de #DHLawrence, publ.1928.
#solidao #livro #oamantedeladychatterley #DHLawrence #antofagica
🔖 "[...] De alguma forma, aquilo estava se tornando a única coisa com que elas se importavam. A preocupação com o #dinheiro era como um grande câncer, corroendo os indivíduos de todas as #classes. Ele se recusava a se importar com o dinheiro.
E o que restava? O que a #vida oferecia além do dinheiro? Nada."
Pg. 220 do #Livro #OAmanteDeLadyChatterley, de #DHLawrence, publicado em 1928.
Por #Antofágica:
#Literatura #LiteraturaInglesa
#Livros #OsLivrosDeMaria
#Dinheiro #classes #Vida #livro #oamantedeladychatterley #DHLawrence #antofagica #literatura #literaturainglesa #bookstodon #livros #oslivrosdemaria
D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #Käännös #Käännösruno #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Lyriikkaa #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännökset #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runosuomennoksia #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Suomennos
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #kaannos #kaannosruno #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #lyriikkaa #runo #runoja #runokaannokset #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runosuomennoksia #runosuomennos #runot #runous #suomennos
D. H. Lawrence(1885-1930)
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #Kirjallisuus #Käännös #Käännöskirjallisuus #Käännöslyriikka #Käännösrunous #Lyriikka #Runo #Runoja #Runokäännöksiä #Runokäännös #Runosuomennos #Runot #Runous #Runoutta #Suomennos
#DavidHerbertLawrence #DHLawrence #kirjallisuus #kaannos #kaannoskirjallisuus #kaannoslyriikka #kaannosrunous #lyriikka #runo #runoja #runokaannoksia #runokaannos #runosuomennos #runot #runous #runoutta #suomennos
🔖 "[...] É exatamente isso! Quando você conhece os homens, vê que eles são assim: sensível demais com as coisas erradas."
Pg. 254 do #Livro #OAmanteDeLadyChatterley, de #DHLawrence, publicado em 1928.
Por Editora #Antofágica:
#livro #oamantedeladychatterley #DHLawrence #antofagica #livros #mastobooks #oslivrosdemaria