This week was a bit odd; it was short, and I was not in my office for two of the four days. Next week will be tightly packed w/ meetings and more #collaboration outside of the #UniversityLibrary: I will be at the National Library of Norway's DH Lab on Monday and at the Dept. of Archeology, Conservation and History on Wednesday with #ResearchSupportPartnershipUiO. There are also some news regarding #DHOslo and #DHNBLAM, so stay tuned!
Enjoy the weekend friends –
#friday #collaboration #universitylibrary #researchsupportpartnershipuio #DHOslo #dhnblam
I am beyond happy to start as an on-site digital research activities liaison and partnership between the University of Oslo library and the Dept. for Archeology, Conservation Studies and History. I will be available for any and all of the Depts. researchers' questions, ideas, data and methods troubles every Wednesday! #DigitalHistory at #UniversityOfOslo here we go! #DHOslo
#digitalhistory #universityofoslo #DHOslo
The Cultural Literacy Everywhere (CLE) conference in Oslo, 15–17 June 2023, will have Timothy Tangherlini and Tejaswinee Kelkar as keynote speakers! https://cleurope.eu/2023/01/12/cle-conference-2023/ #dhoslo #digitalcreativity #music #socialmedia
#DHOslo #digitalcreativity #music #socialmedia
Hei all! Cultural Literacy Everywhere (CLE) is organising a conference in beautiful Oslo this summer! See the Call for Proposals here: https://cleurope.eu/cle2017/cle-2023-conference/ Topic: Digital Creativity! #DHOslo #DigitalHumanities #Creativity #Art #Music
#DHOslo #DigitalHumanities #creativity #Art #music