LC Labs is hiring a Program Specialist: It looks to be fully remote!
#DH #DigitalHumanities #DHandLIB #LibraryJobs #librarian #DigitalScholarship
#dh #digitalhumanities #DHandLib #libraryjobs #librarian #digitalscholarship
Someday I'm going to write something about the unsustainability of doing 3 people's jobs (plus a service overload for which assigned time is awarded but not received) in order to operate a #DigitalHumanities #library space at near pre-pandemic levels while trying to transform that space into something more suitable for a hybrid reality ... all to protect the space -- and everything it represents -- from a provost who keeps hinting he wants to repurpose it because he thinks it's "underutilized"
#digitalhumanities #library #DHandLib #dh