@v_i_o_l_a @girl_friday 🥰 Meiner sammelte Briefmarken, ich MAs, #DHinaMug |s, und schöne Kleider, das #Sammeln ist dem Menschen im Blute
What a day! Good night from #dh2023 at Graz 🤗 #Digitalhumanities #DHinaMug #dhmerch
#DH2023 #DigitalHumanities #DHinaMug #dhmerch
Your favourite DH in a Mug has also travelled to Graz for #dh2023 😁 !
❌️ Very hot 🥵
✅️ there are aspiring #DHinaMug|s around 🥰
Can you find more? Or other cool dh-merch, let us know or tag @dhinamug #digitalhumanities
#DH2023 #DHinaMug #DigitalHumanities
Schaut, schaut ein Belegexemplar von @GRK2571 für #DHinaMug ! 🙏
Dieses Graduiertenkolleg hat übrigens nicht nur coole Tassen, sondern mit Imperien ein ziemlich spannendes Forschungsthema! Also schnell folgen und mal auf der Webseite umschschauen: https://www.grk2571.uni-freiburg.de/
It has been a while, but finally we spotted a new unknown #DHinaMug in the wild! Proudly this very beautiful bunny in a box adorned specimen from #DigitalHumanities day 2022 #münster 🐰🎁 😍 @janhorstmann @wwu_muenster
Keep sending us pics 📸 !
#DHinaMug #DigitalHumanities #munster
@GRK2571 @empires A #DHinaMug always boosts the mood!!! 👏😋☕️ #digitalhumanities
Today we @dhinamug were supposed to find out if @christianvater brought a shiny new #digitalhumanities mug 🤩. Unfortunately we got sick 🤧 . Therefore only a little #throwback to #DHd2023 #dhinamug @DHdKonferenz @nfdi4culture #NFDIrocks
#DigitalHumanities #throwback #DHd2023 #DHinaMug #NFDIrocks
Yeah, sighting of a shiny new #DHinaMug friendly mug in the fediverse by @FID_BBI ! Welcome ☕️👐 https://openbiblio.social/@FID_BBI/110196171452372721
Here's to you a #throwback to #DHd2023 with a #mugshot 😉 of @msiemund , she know her cup|lic ehmmm public humanities! @DHdKonferenz #dhinamug #PublicHumanities #digitalhumanities
#throwback #DHd2023 #mugshot #DHinaMug #PublicHumanities #DigitalHumanities
Missing my friends at @DHdKonferenz 😭😭😭 #DHd2023 #throwback #dhinamug #DigitalHumanitites
Picture credits https://twitter.com/DHdKonferenz/status/1635647372838543360?s=20
#DHd2023 #throwback #DHinaMug #DigitalHumanitites
@ChristianWachter @uwuttke We are very happy to #snailmail 📯🐌 some #DHinaMug stickers to you and other #DHmug|gers ☕️🥰
Just send us your address! And don't forget to tag @dhinamug
A day in a life of a conferencing #DHinaMug
The morning after 🥴
#DH2023 @dhinamug @DHdKonferenz
Inspired by @ChristianWachter
@ChristianWachter This mug needs one of the very fancy #DHinaMug stickers! Are you still around, @uwuttke brought some to #DHd2023 to share with dhinamug-afficionados! @dhinamug
Eine wichtige Feststellung, aber der Lifehack ändert alles! @dhinamug
Jomla@mastodon.online - Tische nicht #DHinaMug tauglich 😄 #DHd2023
Ah, eine scheue #DHinaMug in voller Pracht gespottet auf dem Trierer Campus @DHdKonferenz #DHd2023
Here's to you @Mareike2405 with a warm hello from #DHd2023 : open coffee and open humanities! ☕️💪 thanks mareike for taking the time @DHdKonferenz #DigitalHumanities
Your picture here? Tag @dhin or ask @uwuttke #DHinaMug
#DHd2023 #DigitalHumanities #DHinaMug