New vyshyvanka today from Vyshyta along with the data pants I love but never wear because the pockets are too small. 😠The embroidery reminded me of a delightful textile data visualization. #DHsewing
Another quiet Friday makes for a good excuse to commune with the Unicode Archives. Today I'm the Unicode 15 update to the Cyrillic code block, which increased the number of eyes in the multi-ocular O character. The legitimacy of encoding this in Unicode at all is frankly a little dubious; it appears once, in one manuscript, in the phrase "many-eyed seraph" (as seen on my dress). But I love it anyways. #DHsewing #Unicode
Today I've got a meeting about #Unicode and font design, so it was a day for my #MultilingualDH dress which has a boat sailing on a book... which may be derailed by the #kraken on the shawl I just finished. 🤔 I guess it's an extended #DHsewing metaphor...
Purple nails today for Rebecca Munson. 💜
#DHsewing #Kraken #MultilingualDH #unicode
This morning I found the perfect dress for "I'm teaching PCA today but mostly I'm just excited about the floor loom showing up after class." #DHsewing #DigitalHumanities #loom #weaving #TextileMakerspace
#TextileMakerspace #weaving #loom #digitalhumanities #DHsewing
Having a meeting about Unicode stuff today so I couldn't resist being All The Eyeballs today. #DHsewing #DigitalHumanities #Unicode
#unicode #digitalhumanities #DHsewing
Rhyming is a cheap hack for relevance, but I couldn't resist bringing "fashion" to the "passion" pop-up exhibit at the Library with the Mobile #TextileMakerspace. Today's dress is 1924, a mix of magazines and fashion catalogs. And Dr Cheese Bones held a sign I embroidered today, with a salvaged screw-up. #DigitalHumanities #DHsewing #embroidery
#Embroidery #DHsewing #digitalhumanities #TextileMakerspace
There was a #LoveData23 planning meeting today in the library, so I wore my library data dress: both digital and analog. #LoveDataStanford #DHsewing #sewing #textiles
#textiles #sewing #DHsewing #lovedatastanford #lovedata23
Today I'm running an event at the #TextileMakerspace so I made a new dress last night. Calling this one "sewing is fun and easy and you should try it". 😂 The skirt is reminiscent of a Japanese sewing pattern with all the pieces laid out on top of one another. #DHsewing
It's Unicode day! 🥳 Today we're diving into graphemes vs glyphs, codepoints, conlangs, private use areas, and all the human labor and decision-making (and by whom) that goes into you being able to read multiple scripts on your phone at the same time! It may be my geekiest class, but I think it's important for #MultilingualDH students especially to understand the basics of this stuff. #DigitalHumanities #DHsewing
#DHsewing #digitalhumanities #MultilingualDH
Played a game of "copyright or wrong" with the students with my outfit and favorite sweatshirt to see how they could reason through copyright and derivative work issues after reading the #DataSittersClub on copyright, fair use, and the DMCA. Had fun making slides for a crash course on #SailorMoon IP. Then we got onto Winnie Pooh in the public domain, which led to a brief screening of Russian Winnie the Pooh. #DHsewing #DigitalHumanities
#digitalhumanities #DHsewing #sailormoon #DataSittersClub
Kicking off my #MultilingualDH class for the third time today. Same dress as the first round in winter 2019 (Glagolitic FTW!), different pretty much everything else. #DigitalHumanities #DHsewing
#DHsewing #digitalhumanities #MultilingualDH
Today's outfit is a tribute to a project on domestic appliances in fiction that never quite came together. RIP project with beautiful metadata. #DHsewing
I was short on inspiration for today's outfit, but given the love for the Starry Night dress over in the wedding attire advice thread, I thought I'd take it out of the closet today. It's a bit cool and breezy, so I've also got my new Mario Kart Rainbow Road jacket. 🌈 #DHsewing
Dressed for the 5 AM talk on directories as utopian infrastructure (the flying unicorn leggings) with a shout-out to SUCHO (the sunflowers & Kalush hat). Sustainability is lies and fantasies we commit to believing; what's sustained is what you've learned. #DHsewing #DigitalHumanities
I ordered myself a special occasion dress from Vyshyta in Kyiv, and the grand opening of the new library wing seemed adequately special to wear it! You too can support Ukrainian artists & cultural heritage here:
#DHsewing #SUCHO #embroidery
We had a textiles pop-up event today at work, so I wore a dress of @nafpaktitism cross-stitch & ran a hands-on portion for people to adapt weaving patterns to perler beads #DHsewing #textiles #weaving
Today I'm representing #SUCHO at a library event; imorgon flyger jag till Sverige. Today's dress is new for the trip: a mix of design and one by Oksana Drachkovska with me & my junior archiving assistant. #DHsewing