RT @DiamasProject@twitter.activitypub.actor
What is the DIAMAS project? And how will we support Diamond OA?
Listen to @piotrr70@twitter.activitypub.actor introduce #DIAMAS and address these questions in an interview with @AspaasPer@twitter.activitypub.actor on the #OpenScience Talk Podcast:
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/DiamasProject/status/1616350466798927872
Earlier this month, the #DIAMAS project hosted a workshop at the LIBER Winter event which @jeroenbosman and I facilitated.
The session engaged research librarians with the project's efforts to map the landscape of service providers for institutional #diamond publishing in Europe
More about the event on the DIAMAS website: https://diamasproject.eu/diamas-workshop-liber-winter-event/
Presentation slides here: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7442685
@dbeucke BTW: solche Projekte, wie #DIAMAS könnte man als Mastodonisierung des elektronischen wissenschaftlichen Publizierens sehen. Dezentral, anstatt eines großen Players.
#OpenScience #dataToThePeople
#dataToThePeople #openscience #DIAMAS
RT @jeroenbosman
The EU wants to promote the use of @OpenResearch_EU ("some call it diamond") by member states or have them set up comparable publishing platforms. Slides show continuation to 2026 and plans for after 2026. #Act4DiamondOA #DIAMAS