So I've written this out before and I got to 900 words before the mastodon app crashed and got rid of all my introduction.

Attempt 2


Hi! I'm Elliott, the host in this system: The Fox Collective. We are a moderately sized system of 30 ish, however many alters preform internal roles instead of fronting, for example trauma holders and caretakers.

We are autistic and have physical illnesses as well as a list of mental ones. We struggle a lot with communication and emotional permanence and so this account is going to be a journal-style for headmates to improve communication.

If we are going to talk about our struggles, they will be cw'd correctly.

We are 17. We will turn 18 in March. Do not interact with us if you are a "Minors DNI" account.

A lot of us are also trans, and the body will be undergoing medical transition when we can afford it. Our collective pronouns are it / fox / he, in order of preference. Please do not refer to us as they / them, even in a plural manner. It makes many of us very uncomfortable.


We really like foxes if you couldn't tell. And most other animals, especially those with a lot of personality.

We are a very creative bunch with a love of learning, although I do not like being bad at things. Art (both traditional and digital), poetry, design, and knitting are the things we are good at but we also dabble in sewing, baking, coding. We like listening to vocaloid music whilst we work and would listen to video essays if it weren't impossible to find people with "process-able" voices talking about interesting subjects that aren't triggering.

We use Linux. I think that deserves its own paragraph.

We tend to have many wips at one time, and tend to finish them sporadically.


We are in the GMT +1 timezone.

We try to respond to things but aren't strong in communication skills across text, we apologise for any miscommunication.

Don't flirt with us. We are a minor and we are taken by our girlfriend.

We sign off posts with the headmate's name and preferred pronouns. Eg: "-Elliott (it/he)"

Interaction welcome, please talk to us

Gonna say it again: WE ARE A MINOR ! Minors DNI please DNI :)


#introduction #DIDOSDD #didsystem #plural #trans #transgender #pluralgang #neopronouns #poetry #writing #art #knitting #webdev #html #css #autism #autistic #positivity

Last updated 1 year ago

Struggling - Pls stand by 😰 · @Hare
197 followers · 2473 posts · Server

I absolutely hate "living" like this, but I am proud that my family is still alive.

Just wish it was more than just barely surviving, I don't know how much longer we can handle this. 😓

#chronicallyunhoused #EscapingAbuse #cptsd #CultSurvivors #DIDOSDD #LongCovid #COVIDlonghauler #cfs #fibro #seizures #autisticburnout

Last updated 1 year ago

Hare Needs Help 😰 · @Hare
128 followers · 1017 posts · Server

We use the term "smol" very specifically in our system.

Well, we're actually a collective of systems, but I'll get into that later.

Our smols can seem like littles or children, but aren't necessarily either, but can be one, both, or more.

It's kinda hard to explain, tbh.

We're definitely still protective of them, but they have a few more privileges than our child headmates. ✨

#pluralgang #headmates #DIDOSDD #polyfragmented #smols

Last updated 2 years ago

rune · @rune
83 followers · 256 posts · Server

hate how much advice boils down to "you should speak to a therapist about that" like i am in the US and have neurodivergence, some of the most severe trauma disorders possible, numerous physical and mental co-morbidities, no insurance, and no income.

find me a skilled, ethical provider specializing in severe childhood trauma and dissociative disorders that i can actually afford to see then i will fucking talk to them, i promise.

#MentalHealth #MentalIllness #DIDOSDD #CPTSD #Trauma #therapy #disability #plural #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #adhd

Last updated 2 years ago

Hare · @Hare
76 followers · 306 posts · Server

Messing with our a bit, & letting the smols (basically child headmates & similar) add as many toys as they like but trying to get them to understand that they'll be fortunate if they get anything because money is tight for everyone, especially right now.

They genuinely enjoy their toys & dolls so much 💗✨

#wishlist #DIDOSDD #did #plural #headmates

Last updated 2 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1592 followers · 696 posts · Server

Inner Worlds / System Mapping work!

The greenhouse: a once troubling place, now seen as a peaceful haven and bedroom for multiple of the plant-based alters in the Factory Cluster. Although this was from a time when it was a little less... safe.

Made for

#mentalhealth #DIDOSDD #dissociativeidentitydisorder #landscape #illustration

Last updated 2 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 694 posts · Server

Inner Worlds / System Mapping work!

The greenhouse: a once troubling place, now seen as a peaceful haven and bedroom for multiple of the plant-based alters in the Factory Cluster. Although this was from a time when it was a little less... safe.

Made for

#mentalhealth #DIDOSDD #dissociativeidentitydisorder #landscape #illustration

Last updated 2 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

Our single from last year:

an painting of one of our alters, Star. We had a big fascination for 'secretly a mermaid' plots as a little'n, so it checks out that one of our system is- shock and awe- secretly a mermaid.~ 🧜‍♀️

#OBSystem #DIDOSDD #art #mermay

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

In relation to the last toot:

Some old sketches of my parents as they look on the inner world. The likeness is actually quite on par; the benefits of introjected faces, I imagine.

Mumzy's got an elegance and air of independence that I strive for, and Popzy taught me that 'femininity' wasn't reserved just for females. It's odd to think those memories don't actually exist; but the brain had to pull it from somewhere.

Either way, I love them dearly. x
- P.F.

#OBSystem #mentalhealth #DIDOSDD

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

I've spent a lot of tonight flickering between the inner world & outer, visiting my (Madame F, not the body's) parents' house.

And mentally sitting in their living room, talking about a past made of false memories, sharing real emotion, staring from the window unto a seafront introjected from the system's hometown...

It's incredible how real it all feels, in its own way. Spatially whole. Despite only existing within our own brain.

#mentalhealth #DIDOSDD

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

Mr Kensington is our System's primary protector, and one of our most logically-coded alters.

He's also a sarcastic git, and this art only exists because he called us out on drawing him 'wrong' the first time.~ ✨

(I'm not complaining though, it's one of the most expressive poses we've drawn to date.)

#OBSystem #DIDOSDD #MastoArt #art

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

I should clarify on the above:

For our System, splitting isn't That big a deal. We're Polyfragmented, meaning we split A Lot of alters with more 2d purposes, and we often split in groups of two or more.

It's only ever an issue when:

• It's a frequent fronter, whose identity changes as a result.

• The new split has heavy trauma issues that need to be addressed quickly.

• The event that caused the split was a huge breakdown/flashback/etc.

Last night was none of those.

#mentalhealth #DIDOSDD

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

5am alter onboarding is Not what we expected to be doing, but unfortunately waits for no one.

Two alters. A Subsystem. Both introjects.

Considering last night's tweets, having watched a Particularly triggering episode of , you can likely guess Who.

Steven called it DisASSociative Identity Disorder, which is a pet peeve of ours, so minus points to him.~ /hj

Poor sods are coming from a simple system of two humans, to our two-hundred-odd Pandora's Box of Misfits.

#moonknight #DIDOSDD

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

We literally just finished watching it, and I'm just so ááá about it, because- SO WELL!

You know how we hoped they were going to dull the switch intensity as they gained more communication? THEY DID THAT. A+ Detail!

The afterlife was a fantastic depiction of an Inner World, despite not being an inner world. Points-ish!

Details on why Alters split? Stupid commentary? Sad arguments? All Accurate!

Few mistakes, but always big ones.

#DIDOSDD #moonknight

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

'I thought I was the Original'.

They were doing So Well with So Many Details that showed they Absolutely Spoke to Systems...

and then they pulled the 'there's an original' card, despite the fact that Structural Dissociation is the generally accepted model, aka 'There Is Not An Original, We All Start With Multiple Parts'. (

and now- just like 'hearing voices'- people are going to think that's how it is áááá

#DIDOSDD #moonknight

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server


Hello there! We're Otherbuttons: a collection of dissociated personalities who do the Thing, the Thing, as well as the Awareness thing (we share experiences on , , , and a little ). Also the .art Mod thing on occasion.~

We mostly flutter between developing stories, or working on a DID-insight 'tabletop' series called 'the Inner Worlds'.

You can find links to all of those @

#OriginalCharacter #chronicillness #autism #adhd #DIDOSDD #mentalhealth #twitch #art #introduction

Last updated 3 years ago

Buttons & the BRB · @Otherbuttons
1591 followers · 687 posts · Server

Another Tuesday, another Therapy.

Charlie spent the last moments teaching our counsellor the 'Person & Personality' mentality. That there can simultaneously be both 'Us' and 'I' co-existing.

The best we can explain it:

• The 'Personality' is the brain-functioning. The part that's whole for singlets, and in shards for systems.

• The 'Person' is the Identity of Self.

So even though each shard identifies as their own Person, they're still the same Personality.

#DIDOSDD #mentalhealth

Last updated 3 years ago