FLASHBACK: #DJT calls into a local news channel on 9/11
#DJT Delivered Remarks at Young Black Leadership Summit in 2019: What the heII do you have to lose?
full video and transcript here....
President Trump's Plan to Save American Education and Give Power Back to Parents.
right here!
What if they lied to you about President Trump?
RICH BARIS: Did it matter that John Fetterman cannot speak and bombed in his debate against Mehmet Oz?
Nope, he just harvested a ton of votes.
You're living in another century.
#DJT One of the most favored tactics of US liberals is guilt-by-association. If you stand next to or talk to the wrong person, you're guilty of all their sins.
Yet they never ask why they're in a post-Trump alliance with those they spent 2 decades calling Nazis, racists and fascists.
"God Bless the Cheneyβs" -- founder of @ ProjectLincoln, safe home for #Resistance paychecks, Steve Schmidt's inter-generational wealth-building, and child predators.
#DJT What's the liberal explanation for why Dick and Liz Cheney hate Trump?
Is it that this duo -- once called Nazis -- are actually noble patriots of integrity and law?
Or is it that Trump campaigned on the most vocal denunciation of neocon foreign policy since Ron Paul - and won?
#DJT The primary purpose of isolating Trump as an unprecedented, singular evil is to allow the war criminals, corrupt scumbags and lawless and sociopathic monsters who preceded him to find absolution and redemption with the cheap tactic of opposing Trump. This one tweet shows it all:
#DJT I'm firmly against holding someone responsible for the crimes and bad acts of their father or other relatives.
But Liz Cheney was a vehement and unyielding supporter of everything her father did - the worst of the worst - and continues to defend those policies through to today.
#DJT By whatever metric one uses -- civil liberties assaults, attacks on the rule of law, support for savage tyrants, sheer death and destruction -- nothing compares to what was done via bipartisan neoconservatism during the first decade of the War on Terror:
GLENN GREENWALD: Replace the phrase "just as destructive as" with "infinitely worse than" and this sentence will become accurate:
#DJT The only leader calling for peace is the same guy that the entire DC apparatus and their propagandist network media told you would start WWIII.
December 11, 2020
#DJT 2/2) The show will allow the American people to see what we were up against and, in turn, weoponizing the people... all while saving the kids, revamping the financial system, and derooting corruption of every form globally.
We are 100% reaching the precipice. It is time.
It had to be this way. And it's glorious. What a time to be alive.