ME: Career research scientist trained in the regulation of #geneexpression. Having taught at a SUNY Med School for 30 yrs, I evolved into teaching #MedEd a pet interest, @personalizedmedicine (stems from my own extended diagnostic odyssey for a unique health issue). In 2009, I combined the #MedEd mission w SoMe/Twitter, v hashtag #PM101. Ad interim, a severe case of #arachnoiditis (now #DLM- see pinned Twitter thread) developed in my L-spine- a new Dx odyssey: Enter #Neurodegeneration #Pain.
#geneexpression #meded #PM101 #arachnoiditis #DLM #neurodegeneration #pain
Kyle's Grassroots #DLM Movement Came To A Halt After His Mother Got Wind Of It: "No son of mine is going to gallivant around like some 'mind deviant,' letting the whole world know he's into the dope. Disgusting. Why can't you just be gay like that sweet little neighbor boy?"