The Tavernkeep · @thetavernkeepsguide
0 followers · 7 posts · Server

While the ups and downs and growing pains of a TTRPG group can be painful, the ups and downs and growing pains of TTRPG characters can be enthralling for your players!

We discuss character arcs during the newest episode of Get it wherever you find podcasts!

#thetavernkeepsguide #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice #podcast

Last updated 1 year ago

Judd · @Judd
1266 followers · 1189 posts · Server

Reddit GM Advice Thread

Me, a greybeard with a grey beard, responding to a younger gamer about being intimidated by elders

New DM asks about using pre-written vs. original campaigns

How to use random encounter tables

#GMAdvice #DMAdvice #ttrpg #dungeonsAndDragons #DnD

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
109 followers · 575 posts · Server

I get a little bummed out when a game session falls though because players don't show up. I wasn't the DM this time, but a player, and I still get super bummed.
I know its a game, but people's time is important. Being inconsiderate and not notifying in advance is pretty rude in my book.

#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
109 followers · 567 posts · Server

Joey over at DMystified is posting Homebrew items and other useful DM tips for everyone to use. Check out The Living Longbow.

#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
108 followers · 565 posts · Server

Question for all you DMs out there.
When dealing with a fantasy setting, how do you keep the names of your NPCs straight in your mind and the players minds? The names tend to be unusual, and it can be hard to keep them all straight.

#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
108 followers · 564 posts · Server

The Level 12 One-shot this past saturday was awesome. The Players kept me on my towns and I had to do a lot of adjustments on the fly. Combats with that many high level creatures involve a lot of moving parts.
Totally fun!
The next session on the 18th is going to be a level 4 -shot involving mostly intrigue and RP. Its a murder mystery!

#one #DnD #DMAdvice #ttrpg #dnd5e

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
108 followers · 563 posts · Server

I have another DND one-shot tomorrow. I have been doing them for the past couple weeks and they are great. This week is a level 12 one shot. It's been a really long time since I've dealt with pcs that high of a level. I'm kind of concerned about making sure it's not a tpk or a cakewalk. At that level, pc tactics can make such a huge difference and I don't even know what classes they are bringing!

#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
105 followers · 548 posts · Server

Being a DM for a dnd game can involve a lot of different parts. Which of the following do you enjoy the least?
Bonus for commenting on what you do to avoid it?

#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #DMAdvice #dmprep

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
104 followers · 547 posts · Server

We had a fantastic session today. It's the first time I've run a solo adventure and it turned out really well. It was a level 1 adventure.
I will say that dnd is not designed for solo adventures, so I had to make a number of on the fly adjustments. And level 1 is not the best level for solo, because a single bad die roll could end the pc's character.

#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
104 followers · 543 posts · Server

A complaint I've heard from more than a few times is that pcs hoard magic items and don't use them.
Part of the reason behind this is that players want to wait until the "right" time because they don't want to waste them.
One solution: give them a lot of then, and have the enemies use them too! If they see a baddie grab a scroll and use it, they will be reminded and use one too!

#dms #dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
110 followers · 534 posts · Server

I love to play in person and I have been really trying to push the local game community. But I also play online a couple nights a week. To that end, the Discord bot has been a super useful tool in keeping track and organizing games.

#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
110 followers · 531 posts · Server

The session went great! We ran a little long, and we had to narrate the ending. But they faced all the threats and completed the mission. Level 2 threats weren't overwhelming, but they presented challenges beyond just damage.

This adventure was called "inklings gathered" by Adventure a Week.

#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
110 followers · 529 posts · Server

During the December break, I lost several players at my DND tables, and the games had to cancel.
I have decided to take this opportunity to transition to one-shot games at my local game shop.
First game is tomorrow afternoon, and I am excited to meet the new players!

#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
110 followers · 528 posts · Server

I have been playing dnd for years (its basically the only ttrpg I play anymore) but I've been had the urge to check out pathfinder lately.
I've never really cared for the number crunchiness of 3.5 and I hear it's similar.
I know I'm super late to the show. (I only started playing when 4th was already out)
I'm looking at checking out PF2e. How big of a difference is there between pf1 and pf2?

#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #DMAdvice #ttrpgs

Last updated 2 years ago

Judd · @Judd
1242 followers · 825 posts · Server

It is Wednesday. Time for:

🧵 Reddit GM Advice Thread🧵

The first question got deleted but it was about setting difficulty in a challenging campaign with several big bad's to choose from.

Next, an awesome idea bout a feuding kraken and Green Dragon.

And then half a dozen questions about one's DM Style...

Here we go!

#ttrpg #GMAdvice #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Judd · @Judd
1216 followers · 726 posts · Server

🧵 Wednesday Reddit GM Advice Thread🧵

🧛‍♀️ 💀 🌞 Fun idea brainstorming about a group of vampires looking to destroy the sun

🧛‍♀️ ⚔️ Thinking about uses Strahd could find for a kidnapped player character assassin

🗓️ :d12: And options for when some players can't make it

#ttrpg #GMAdvice #DMAdvice #curseofstrahd

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
112 followers · 514 posts · Server

One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately. Those DMs who do a lot of homebrew in their setting. How do you organize your homebrew world information and how much of it do you give your players access to?

#dnd5e #ttrpg #DnD #DMAdvice #worldbuilding #dmquestion

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
112 followers · 514 posts · Server

When posting your game somewhere, this information is helpful and should be included.

Game Name:
Updated on: 1/7/23
Game System:
Character Options: Official and possible homebrew
Current Average Party level:
Player Slots Available:
Session Date(s): every other Saturday 2pm-6pm
Style: 25% RP, 50% Combat, 25% Exploration
Method: In person
Style: battle maps for combat, theater of the mind
Session Duration: 3-4 hours (breaks as needed)


#DnD #DMAdvice #ttrpg #dnd5e

Last updated 2 years ago

Assaf (He/Him) · @Assafthedm
113 followers · 500 posts · Server

Something that happens when starting a new table is the possibility of table collapse. Not every group of adults get along well, and not every group of adults have similar schedules. When starting a table with new acquaintances, people will sometimes commit to a short term time investment. But after a couple of weeks, they change their priorities and a small table of 3-4 players now has 1-2 players. It's okay, send out new invite posts and try again. Don't give up.

#DnD #dnd5e #ttrpg #DMAdvice

Last updated 2 years ago

Judd · @Judd
1160 followers · 603 posts · Server

It is Wednesday morning.

🧵 Reddit GM Advice Thread🧵

This week we've got:

1 on 1 Wizard campaign

Pirate vibes


A Devil's Fire

#ttrpg #GMAdvice #DMAdvice #dungeonsAndDragons #DnD

Last updated 2 years ago