After the #dmm summit, two priorities were impressed upon me: to focus on my family as my primary team of disciple-makers, and to lean into warfare #prayer.
Amie and I have enjoyed several conversations about team Bilson. Amie and I are praying together more than ever, and I'm praying with the boys some too.
Last Saturday the Spirit offered me an awesome chance to inspire a men's meeting towards prayer, and tomorrow my friend who owns a rock-climbing gym will be over to pray.
So excited!
I refer to #dmm in my log entries, but I don't know that a web search does the acronym justice. It stands for #DiscipleMakingMovements. This video by Harry Brown from New Generations explains the ethos, though not the practices, that comprise this yet-another-three-letter-acronym.
I'm grateful that yesterday was a bank holiday. It was good to have an extra day off after illness to remember what's important.
Amie and I enjoyed a date morning at a local Australian coffee shop that almost felt like we were back in Chicago. In the afternoon I met up with Andrew at Westminster for a chat about work, #dmm, and prayer. We've got an evening of prayer for his rock-climbing business on the calendar in a couple weeks.
【BLUE REFLECTION SUN/燦】キャラ紹介PV:森崎 アレシア 優(CV:鈴代 紗弓)
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