RT @DaWittyWombat@twitter.com

The rabbit hole gets deeper! Husband of the CEO of ACRONYM the parent company of Shadow Inc works on campaign. How was this allowed?

🐦🔗: twitter.com/DaWittyWombat/stat

#DNCIsCorrupt #DNCRigged #CiaPete

Last updated 5 years ago

RT @feetothefire@twitter.com

The primary will be rigged every step of the way.
and @BernieSanders@twitter.com
should contest every result in every primary moving forward and demand a paper count.

🐦🔗: twitter.com/feetothefire/statu

#TomPerezResign #MayorCheat #DNCIsCorrupt #DNCRigged #IowaCaucusDisaster #BernieWon #presidentberniesanders #notmeus

Last updated 5 years ago