#Pflege Ein großes Thema, wo zurecht alle gefragt sind. Warum Linken-Wähler:innen davon ausgegrenzt werden, muss sich die #DNN schon fragen lassen! #Ausgrenzung, wozu habe ich bei euch ein Abo? #DieLinke
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/ErnstCornelia/status/1662406498478174208
#Pflege #DNN #ausgrenzung #dielinke
RT @HeleenASlagter
bottom-up process, to approaching perception as an active, top-down guided process.
My commentary: https://psyarxiv.com/urhq7/
Bowers et al.: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/article/abs/deep-problems-with-neural-network-models-of-human-vision/ABCE483EE95E80315058BB262DCA26A9
#DNN #vision #deeplearning #computationalneuroscience
In my commentary on Bowers et al. (BBS, 2022), based on research on human perceptual learning and action-oriented theories of perception, I argue that to develop DNNs that truly model human vision foremost requires a conceptual shift: from treating perception as a largely bottom-up process, to approaching perception as an active, top-down guided process.
My commentary: https://psyarxiv.com/urhq7/
Bowers et al.: https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/behavioral-and-brain-sciences/article/abs/deep-problems-with-neural-network-models-of-human-vision/ABCE483EE95E80315058BB262DCA26A9
#DNN #vision #deeplearning #computationalneuroscience
Rosa Cao (#Stanford) answers, "Are (apparently) successful #DNN models also genuinely explanatory?”
Reasons in favor:
- structure: they're designed to mimic neurons (but there are dissimilarities)
- behavior: they do tasks we do (see failures of behaviorism)
- representation: it recognizes stuff we do (but not always as we do)
- success: it makes good predictions (so do false Newtonian "laws")
They may be explanatory for certain aspects of certain domains.
Our tasks is figure out which ones.
Work accepted at BBS, following some papers I've seen mentioning a similar point, will have to take a look!
"Deep Problems with Neural Network Models of Human Vision"
#deeplearning #DNN #vision #neuroscience #compneuro #neuro #brain #computationalneuroscience
#computationalneuroscience #brain #neuro #compneuro #neuroscience #vision #DNN #deeplearning
RT @MagicWordsHope1@twitter.com
@dnn_online@twitter.com Dresdner zeigen Gesicht #Mahnen und #Gedenken - damit sich DAS NIEMALS mehr wiederholt #Dresden #DNN #DD1302 - KEIN Platz für Nazis #BündnisDresdenNazifrei @sebkrumbiegel@twitter.com @Cha_Knobloch@twitter.com @beauftragtgg@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MagicWordsHope1/status/1360620843135610880
#BündnisDresdenNazifrei #dd1302 #DNN #dresden #Gedenken #mahnen