#GAFCAM = #GAFAM + #Cloudflare
That company that not only collects your data, including every #DNSLookup you do on #Mozilla's #Firefox. Not only serves 30% of the internet, not only helps to train #killerDrones with #hCaptcha, not only can deny you access to critical websites at its discretion…
They do all this while claiming #internetSecurity.
#protectAndWebServe #extort #extortion #internetMafia #Mafia #droneWarfare #bigData #GFC #moneyPrinterGoBrr #internetIncestFamily #plutocracy
#GAFCAM #gafam #cloudflare #DNSlookup #mozilla #firefox #killerDrones #hCaptcha #internetsecurity #protectAndWebServe #extort #extortion #internetMafia #mafia #dronewarfare #bigdata #gfc #moneyPrinterGoBrr #internetIncestFamily #plutocracy
We discovered that #Mozilla/#Firefox default to the #CloucHore #DNS. They don't even try to randomise the #DNSlookup between four or five entities.
They also don't default to #DNSoverHTTPS.
Not good.
#DoH #internet #privacy #security #configuration #webBrowsers #internetPrivacy #internetSecurity #deleteCloucHore #deleteNSA #deleteBigData #deleteLegacyNet #useTor #i2p #onionMaximallist #garlicMaximallist
#mozilla #cloucHore #dns #DNSlookup #dnsoverhttps #doh #internet #privacy #security #configuration #webbrowsers #internetprivacy #internetsecurity #deleteCloucHore #deleteNSA #deleteBigData #deleteLegacyNet #usetor #i2p #onionMaximallist #garlicMaximallist
The idea behind DNS over HTTPS (aka #DoH is great.
Our main concern with any #DNSlookup is one of #centralisation.
For example, relying on a single entity such as Cloudflare or Google can still open a person up to an attack, should that entity be compromised.
Are there any implementations of DoH that send the DNS request to 2-of-many, DoH servers? In the case of a conflict the browser would alert the user?
#doh #DNSlookup #centralisation #dnssec #dnssecurity