One of problems to fight with vulnerabilities is we need to collect sensitive data. This puts #DPAs in a very difficult situation, because we shouldn’t collect these data, but we would need in order to protect individuals
#DPAs focus on #vulnerability as part of their work (complaints, guidelines etc). #EDPS Strategy also contains the concept of vulnerability in data protection. However, we have to decide if we express ourselves on the general level or specific context
Better GDPR enforcement is important, but adding admin burden to under resourced DPAs in my view is not the way forward. Nor are continuously higher fines - compliance orders and processing bans are the real deterring sanctions.
RT @PaulNemitz
Here @riptari explains next steps in encouraging #DPAs to properly enforce #GDPR. The trend of #fines is up, and must continue to go up to be deterring non compliance. And time taken to invest…
While I do not think that #DPAs should be all responsible for all sorts of fields in digital, DPAs will be confronted with much larger responsibilities coming from different regulations. I often make a joke that “DPAs will either have to evolve or go extinct” 3/5
Great news for #Europe: Natasa Pirc Musar is the Slowenian president elect - The first president of a state who had been previously national commissioner for #dataprotection and #transparency. She was a colleague of mine as member of the former Article 29 Working Party of #DPAs
#europe #Dataprotection #transparency #DPAs
Great news for #Europe: Natasa Pirc Musar is the new Slowenian president - The first president all over the world who had been previously national Slovenian commissioner for #dataprotection and #transparency. She was a colleague of mine as member of the former Article 29 Working Party of #DPAs
#europe #Dataprotection #transparency #DPAs
The panel will address the about 50 #dataprotection cases currently pending before the #CJEU and questions pertaining to competences of #DPAs and procedural matters; outcomes of the CJEU decision in Facebook Belgium, lessons learnt and more #EDPSconf2022
#dataprotection #CJEU #DPAs #EDPSconf2022
We are proud to see we are all, as #DPAs, doing better today than yesterday. There is, however, also a tomorrow. We all gathered here to have a say over how our future will look like. We can define it. Shape it.
So how do we want our tomorrow to look like?
RT @EU_EDPS: Effective cooperation of #DPAs is a key requirement when it comes to effective enforcement, but developing a truly common data protection culture between DPAs is an ongoing process. @dreynders at #EDPSconf2022 1/2
RT @EU_EDPS: Under the #OneStopShop, only a few #DPAs are responsible for handling a large number of cases. The @EUparliament is also concerned about the length of case handling. Improvement is necessary to continue to maintain the #GDPR as a golden standard @JFLopezAguilar at #EDPSconf2022
#OneStopShop #DPAs #GDPR #EDPSconf2022
Effective cooperation of #DPAs is a key requirement when it comes to effective enforcement, but developing a truly common data protection culture between DPAs is an ongoing process. at #EDPSconf2022 1/2
Under the #OneStopShop, only a few #DPAs are responsible for handling a large number of cases. The is also concerned about the length of case handling. Improvement is necessary to continue to maintain the #GDPR as a golden standard at #EDPSconf2022
#OneStopShop #DPAs #GDPR #EDPSconf2022 #EDPSCONF2022 Cooperation among #DPAs is great for the most part, however we are 4 years in since the entering into force of #GDPR and structural systemic issues exist