Still no real understanding in #UK MSM of link between #P&O Ferries owners, #DP_World, #UAE, and #Putin. These agents are involved in militarisation of warming Arctic. Invasion of #EU, #NATO, #UK from north is new frontier.
This is Copy & Paste of Xi's militarisation in S. China Sea threatening #Oz & allies.
Western MSM treats P&O sackings as a business ethics issue. I think it was tit-for-tat for Russian sanctions. UK sailors are just pawns in covert war for control of new world order.
#oz #nato #eu #putin #uae #DP_World #p #uk
#Russia #Exclusive_Economic_Zone #Arctic #Security #NATO #EU
Major threat to #Baltic region #EU and #NATO is not from Baltic Sea but from Russian Exclusive Economic Zone in the #Arctic which Russia is developing with help of #China and #UAE (btw UAE runs #DP_World who sacked #British #P&O_Ferries staff in a politically motivated tit-for-tat for #UK sanctions on Russia last week).
This is copy-and-paste strategy from #South_China_Sea where #PRC threatens #Taiwan #Japan, #Australia.
#Australia #japan #taiwan #prc #South_China_Sea #uk #p #british #DP_World #uae #China #baltic #eu #nato #security #arctic #Exclusive_Economic_Zone #russia
#China took control of #Darwin port in #Australia via state-owned business, compromising Oz security. Reported in #The_Guardian.
#Sunak ignored this history when he created 'free ports' in #UK and allowed Chinese ally #UAE to control them through state-owned #DP_World.
Sunak's actions were reckless in 2021. They look criminal post-#Ukraine invasion.
#British public opinion & MPs still ignoring security issues of 'free ports'. Only focused on DP World's #P&O_Ferries job losses.
#p #british #Ukraine #DP_World #uae #uk #Sunak #The_Guardian #Australia #darwin #China
#UAE is an ally of #Russia & #China. UAE's state-owned #DP_World is massively invested in China's 'belt & road' plans and Russia's 'Artic silk road'. Their strategic aim since 2012 or earlier is to shift world domination from democracies to non-democracies, under world leadership of #Xi.
UAE has supported #Putin over #Ukraine. It is plausible that UAE DP_World P&O_Ferries sacking of #UK workers yesterday was politically motivated. Tit for
tat over UK sanctions against Russia.
#uk #Ukraine #putin #xi #DP_World #China #russia #uae