Be aware that the current #TadWilliams #humblebundlebook is NOT in downloadable #DRMFfree formats as usual, but forcing you on the bloody #kobo platform.
Yikes, I expected better of you, #humblebundle
#tadwilliams #humblebundlebook #DRMFfree #kobo #humblebundle
@aktivismoEstasMiaLuo @kete @porsupah this is problematic since #kobo it's owned by #walmart and
, has been bought out by and radically transformed.
Feedbooks was the only book retailer I found that had a search filter for #DRMFfree #ebooks, until I found , and now #CloudFlare makes that questionable as well.
So where can I buy my #ebooks from authors who cannot run a store?
#cloudflare #ebooks #DRMFfree #walmart #kobo
@gwachob @eloquence @pluralistic
If you buy the book,, directly from one of the author's sites instead of Penguin, or Amazon 😱, they get a bigger cut and you get a #DRMFfree version of the ebook.