So if anyone can host these files that would be great. Again we're hoping to host them on at least two servers.

See for secure communication (over two emails so take your pick).

So feel free to DM here or email. :)

@humanetech @nestort @sl007 @witchescauldron @rhiaro


Last updated 4 years ago

We are happy to report that as of yesterday, our PublicKey is available on two websites:

1) 's Public (thanks Postman!) http://hq.postman.i2p

2) And http://keys.echelon.i2p/pks/lookup?search=0x83B15D65BBF4E1AD3EB19D2F8793374A3FAA87D5&op=vindex

So if you need to talk about anything with encryption or authentication there's now five ways to get our key (and two email).

Stay strong.

#i2p #PostmanHQ #Addressbook #DSFGSPGP #PGPDSFGS

Last updated 4 years ago

Its about time we published our PGP fingerprint and keys.

- dsfgs@mail.i2p (clearnet address is i2pmail. org)
- dsfgs at riseup. net

Keys should be fetchable from:

And conform to PGP Fingerprint: 83b15d65bbf4e1ad3eb1


#PGPKey #PGPFingerprint #DickSmithsFairGoSupportersPGP #DSFGSPublicKey #DSFGSEncryption #DSFGS #DSFGSGPG #DSFGSPGP #PGPDSFGS #PublicKeyDSFGS #KeyserversDSFGS

Last updated 4 years ago