So if anyone can host these files that would be great. Again we're hoping to host them on at least two servers.
See #dsfgsPGP for secure communication (over two emails so take your pick).
So feel free to DM here or email. :)
We are happy to report that as of yesterday, our PublicKey is available on two #I2P websites:
1) #PostmanHQ's Public #Addressbook (thanks Postman!) http://hq.postman.i2p
2) And http://keys.echelon.i2p/pks/lookup?search=0x83B15D65BBF4E1AD3EB19D2F8793374A3FAA87D5&op=vindex
So if you need to talk about anything with encryption or authentication there's now five ways to get our key (and two email).
Stay strong.
#i2p #PostmanHQ #Addressbook #DSFGSPGP #PGPDSFGS
Its about time we published our PGP fingerprint and keys.
- dsfgs@mail.i2p (clearnet address is i2pmail. org)
- dsfgs at riseup. net
Keys should be fetchable from:
And conform to PGP Fingerprint: 83b15d65bbf4e1ad3eb1
#PGPKey #PGPFingerprint #DickSmithsFairGoSupportersPGP
#PGPKey #PGPFingerprint #DickSmithsFairGoSupportersPGP #DSFGSPublicKey #DSFGSEncryption #DSFGS #DSFGSGPG #DSFGSPGP #PGPDSFGS #PublicKeyDSFGS #KeyserversDSFGS