@yetzt persomally, I think the #privatization of #DB as well as #TankUndRast as well as letting #DTAG keep the #PSTN (#HyTNAS) once privatized were fundamentally wrong.
#hytnas #pstn #DTAG #TankundRast #db #privatization
@haekelschwein Bis 2007 gab's #TELEX bei #DTAG und #Swisstelex offerierte denselben Dienst bis 2020 in Deutschland...
@bbk anscheinend ist das Übermitteln von #Warnmelung|en per #CellBroadcast noch nicht zuverlässig.
Bevölkerungs-#Warnung wegen F3 in #Leverkusen kam per #Sirene und Cell Broadcast im Netz der #DTAG jedoch nicht im Netz von #O2 Telefonica / #ePlus KPN bzw. #MVNO|s die dieses nutzen.
Ich denke mal @bsi sollte da mal freundlich nachfragen warum...
Vorallem da Cell Broadcast selbst auf #StupidPhones zuverlässig funktioniert.
#stupidphones #mvno #eplus #O2 #DTAG #sirene #Leverkusen #Warnung #cellbroadcast #warnmelung
@GossiTheDog Yeah, this shit is bad, as #DTAG pulled the same crap and even canceled thousands if not millions of old "basic landline" contracts of seniors that paid their €20-ish + x in advance per month.
Also for no explicable reason those didn't get any good replacement option [i.e. a battery-buffered "Fixed Wireless Terminal" that is essentially a mobile phone but instead of regular buttons it's sized like a #CPE / #Router & has a connection for a regular landline phone to use with.
@mkutz1492 also even if that argument was valid - which it isn't - #Oracle #OCI would not allow registering as "individual" but require existing contracts as business customer - like #DTAG does - to even signup for the #OracleCloud...
#oraclecloud #DTAG #OCI #Oracle
@TheDoctor512 @maxschrems @noybeu
Hier wären neben #OpenXchange [ https://www.open-xchange.com ] auch @nextcloud / #Nexcloud und sogar #WPS365 [ https://www.wps.com/wpsdocs/ ] zu erwähnnen sowie exemplarische Angebote von diversen Anbietern...
#DTAG z.B. bietet Nextcloud mit quasi allen erdenklichen Vertrags- und Vertraulichkeitsoptionen an, und die sind nur der größte Hoster den ich kenne...
#DTAG #wps365 #nexcloud #openxchange
@TheDoctor512 Angesichts von #CloudAct, der einstellung von #Microsoft365Deutschland als #ManagedHosting bei der #DTAG und der weitergehenden mitarbeit von #Microsoft am #PRISM-Programm ist eine #Compliance mit #DSGVO & #BDSG denen unmöglich da effektiv in den #USA illegal...
Das ist genauso naiv wie zu erwarten, dass #WeChat oder #QQ nicht Auskunftsersuchen von Behorden aus der "V.R." China folge leisten...
#qq #WeChat #USA #bdsg #dsgvo #compliance #prism #Microsoft #DTAG #ManagedHosting #microsoft365deutschland #cloudact
@edv_nachrichten normal...
Das passiert bei vielen #Aktiengesellschaften...
Schonmal bei #DTAG, #DeutschePost & Co. auf #Aktionärsversammlung gewesen...
#aktionarsversammlung #DeutschePost #DTAG #aktiengesellschaften
@IAmFox @Houl well, until 2014 @fuchsiii was stuck on #Dialup and I was stuck for some time on shitty #EDGE that wasn't faster either...
Not to mention #DTAG got people like myself hounding them when they wanted to retroactively introduce #throttling and abolish #NetNeutrality for some time...
#netneutrality #throttling #DTAG #Edge #dialup
@carnage4life Yeah.
i mean it's the fault of telcos like #DTAG that they don't properly upgrade their own core networks.
@grillchen @Jain @kaia @puniko damn...
I'm really sorry for you...
Cuz #ADSL sucks and #DTAG has an absurdly.congested #CoreNetwork to the point that both #Cogent and #Level3 once sued them for "insufficient capacity" since they don't want to be abused as #upstreams.
Needless to say DTAG doesn't really peer openly on #DECIX and only is present there for clients that want them to do transit.
#DECIX #upstreams #Level3 #cogent #CoreNetwork #DTAG #adsl
@colours Funfact: #DTAG (#Germany's former mobopoly #Telco) uses #E20074 aka. #RAL4010 as corporate colour "Tele - Magenta" and has trademarked the colour in Germany (DPMA # 39552630.2 ), basically making it illegal to use for any other telco...
#ral4010 #e20074 #telco #Germany #DTAG
@LunaRogue depends on the network in question and how well it's interconnected.
For example, you may have double-digit ms on a #5G tower that is fiber-connected, triple-digits if it uses RF links that are pretty clogged and potential timeouts and packet losses with shitty networks like #DTAG since they don't peer on #DECIX and underprovidion their peers abused as upstream|s [#Cogent & #Level3]...
And in some cases, you've to deal with mobile networks of cruise ships that are on #Inmarsat BGAN
#inmarsat #Level3 #cogent #DECIX #DTAG #5G
@bjo @33dBm #Funfact: #DTAG lügt, dass sich die Balken biegen und behauptet kackendreist dass Mitbewerber den Betrieb einstellen würden...
@jwildeboer @EU_Commission that being said, #DTAG are shit as #ISP and forcibly disconnecting & reallocating IP adresses is the norm on ALL consumer tariffs with no SLAs whatsoever.
There's #DynamicDNS, #MultipathTCP and #VPN as well as @torproject #OnionService|s for that scenario!
I specofically have an Enterprise Tariff to avoid these pitfalls...
#onionservice #VPN #multipathtcp #dynamicdns #isp #DTAG
@aurora not really, #DTAG is know to sabotage #FTTB & #FTTH to the point that they openly lie and competitiors have to sue them.
For example they started claiming that #NetCologne would hut down their network amd cease business (which is absolute horseshit!)...
Not to mention they start doing that shitty bodge tech aka. #VDSL in lieu of delivering actual #OpenAccess-FTTH or following their obligation to maintain the #HyTNAS that does Analog, ISDN & ADSL on a single pair.
#hytnas #openaccess #VDSL #Netcologne #ftth #fttb #DTAG