wer was klΓ€ren will kommt DΓΌsseldorf Arcaden am Bilker Bahnhof, 1 UG vor Denns BioMarkt
Elections are coming up soon and we are really good at getting involved that way.
Let's make sure we put our best effort into getting out the vote. #DTown
Lately, I've been reminded how lucky we hare to have such a wonderful home here at #DTown Where the admin cares about keeping the space free of hate-speech, conspiracies, stalkers, and even just spam advertising. Reports are handled in a timely & serious manner by our moderators, and our ToS isn't just for show.
So a huge thank you to
For always working hard to make DemocracyTown a safe, welcoming(&fun) space!
Good morning #DTown #HappyNewYear
I've been thinking a lot about the last year& what is to come. I keep going back to one of *my* iconic lines.
"The world has changed, and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best we can do is to start over."
2020 truly did change our world. We can't bring back those lost, nor can Republicans re-write the election, no matter how much they try.
We have to keep moving forward. We have to do our best to take care of each other and to rebuild a better world -for ourselves and for the future. And we have to keep striving to make our best efforts better every day.
We start over in just 19 days, but change doesn't happen in an instant. It takes time & hard work. We will #BuildBackBetter with #BidenHarris all of us, together.
#DTown #HappyNewYear #BuildBackBetter #BidenHarris
I do, too, because he have a home. I'm glad we are here. #HappyNewYear #ATeam of #DTown
Well said, Anthony. πβ
Thank you for assembling this
F :avengers3:β amily and always being there for us all.
All we can do is our best. I like to think we all bring out the best in each other.
#HappyNewYear #DTown
Happy New Year.
Stay safe.
Help is on the way.
Hope is on the horizon.
To all of you reading this tonight: thank you for your presence in my life. Thank you for being beside me on the crazy journey that the past 4 years, and especially the last 10 months, has been.
Thank you for having my back in some of the darkest times and for your love and support when I wanted to quit. Thank you for always choosing to see the best in me, even when I do not show you my best. I am grateful for each and every one of you that is here and present in this community and I want and hope that each of you has an amazing year ahead, full of peace and love and all good things, and that the work that we do ahead is fulfilling and productive.
Good riddance 2020, hello 2021. #DTown #HappyNewYear
25 days until Inauguration Day...Happy Holidays to all...wear your masks...support one another...support Georgia Dems...unite with Pres. Biden and VP Harris on 1/20/21.
Yes, don't forget our #DTown holiday party, 7PM, instance-only!
I'm getting ready now.
@TonyStark I'm a member; they do great work.
Our work to empower ourselves isn't limited to just elections. There are many groups to get involved with and so many ways to help.
Thanks for the reminder, Tony! #DTown