This is a beautifully balanced logion and it goes so deep in Thomas: we are new garments and get patched up with old ideas, yet we suffer from what old wineskins do when new wine gets put into them: we split
And it is odd why Thomas adds this contradictory detail, or rather I haven't been able to wrap my head around it yet - but this is the epitome of #duality, #separation, #Ego and #Self: we #split because we get patched up with old
Do read the Commentary on this one please, 420-427.
#split #self #ego #separation #DUALITY
20 logia to go out here, until I reach the end of my current #GospelOfThomas #Commentary - the latest publication discloses up to logion 55 and is available at
I aim to publish it in full in 2025, and am afraid that it will contain over 1,000 pages - yet it already contains chapters 'Meaning' and 'Relation to previous logia' that should enable one to get the gist in a matter of hours
#Coptic #Philology #Academic #Egypt #Psychology #Jung #Ego #Self #Duality #Jesus
#jesus #DUALITY #self #ego #Jung #psychology #Egypt #academic #philology #Coptic #commentary #gospelofthomas
Thomas evidently addresses two singular you's here who live under the same roof(s), and it is a call to share information between those you's.
ⲙⲁⲁϫⲉ means ear and the canonicals come up with the Latin loanword modius or the Greek 'vessel', σκεῦος - they fail to understand the joke here.
A light is not meant for your ear, but for your eye - if, and only if, you are "going inward" (logion 14, 22, etc) as well as "coming forth" (logion 9)
Over and over again Thomas addresses #duality
Well, 30 years ago I was enjoying #BatmanReturns on VHS tape that I got for the holidays. After being presented with the difficult task of introducing this subject matter from #comics to screen, #TimBurton had used creative freedom gained from the first film's success to embrace #GermanExpressionism and include interesting themes of #duality, #feminism, #capitalism, and #corporatism. And then, sadly, it was all gone - due in large part to that very corporatism. And yet, all these years later (and having paved a way for the #MCU), it finally receives the credit it deserves. I wrote about it all a few years ago here:
#BatmanReturns #comics #timburton #germanexpressionism #DUALITY #feminism #capitalism #corporatism #mcu
The so-called #Gospel of Thomas is the quintessential text on how the human #psyche, #soul and #mind work
How we live in perpetual #duality playing tennis in our own head between our self invented #Ego and #Self, blind to the blissful #balance that is in the living #father, our true #source - from which we #split
Who comes from the #light, the light that we can become again if we stop being dead, if we revive ourselves
He whom there are ears within him to hear, let! him hear
A Fortunate 2023
#light #split #source #father #balance #self #ego #DUALITY #mind #soul #Psyche #gospel
A tiny little logion with a superior and magnificent message: you are the father - the One you have never seen. You can beget him, sire him, "father" him - bring him forth, into the light, make him manifest.
And now that you realise this, what indeed is it that you will do with the 'him' of logion 11, the one made out of dead things - because this right here is that moment where you "become two", where you realise that you in fact are two:
the father, and "you"
#JoeyJordison 26 April
#Slipknot - #Duality [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
Subscribe:'s music video for 'Duality' from the album, Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) - available now on Roadrunner Recor...
#UpcomingBirthdays #joeyjordison #slipknot #DUALITY