Half way through painstaking assembling Vada's birthday Paw Patrol tower and just remembered I own an electric screwdriver lmao #DadLife
Kid, playing Switch: "I am not going over there. It is covered by an ominous black fog."
Me: "I saw Ominous Black Fog open for Laibach in the 80s. It was at the Metroplex."
Kid: ...
I have been texting my 12 year old photos of DJ Bonebrake, the drummer of X.
Last night I went upstairs at 9:30 PM to remind my 12 year-old that it was the end of the four day weekend and that we needed to re-engage the school night routine.
When I got there, the kid was already brushing teeth **and** flossing. I thought I would weep tears of joy right then.
The kids woke up an hour early this morning and somehow that just meant taking 3x as long and 18x the emotional labour to get them out the door.
Updated #Introduction #Introduction2
Hello! 35 year old, life-long geek, father of a 20 month old boy, currently working as a level 3 tech support engineer for a global cyber security company. I live in Texas, USA 🇺🇲🤘
Some things I enjoy: #SelfHosting #CyberSecurity #Technology #Linux #DoctorWho #TheWalkingDead #StarTrek #StarWars #MCU #MCUMovies #History #Comedy #Horror #Music #DadLife #Dogs #Fediverse
#introduction #introduction2 #selfhosting #cybersecurity #technology #linux #doctorwho #TheWalkingDead #startrek #StarWars #mcu #mcumovies #history #comedy #horror #music #DadLife #dogs #fediverse
Baking with some of my favourite people, using a cookie recipe I got from my grade 8 home ec class! #dadlife
Had a brief respite last week following two months of constant sickness - congestion, migraines, laryngitis, you name it.
We had a lovely stay in Niagara Falls, sans our toddler, followed by a brief visit south of the border to do some shopping.
Wife came down with something on the way home. Kiddo’s fever came back. Now my congestion’s returned and everyone is coughing up a storm.
Hoping the little one’s fever breaks for good tonight. 😮💨
Why is it that days when I have afternoon plans are also the days when 18mo refuses to nap at a reasonable time.
I am failing according to the parenting book!
This little lad doesn't want to sleep in a bed tonight. I am therefore happily being his sleep pouch and am surfing the fediverse!
Morning all :)
I think I am winning personally :P