Recently bought new IP surveillance cameras and, once they were installed and mounted, was surprised to see light coming from the cameras. Here's how to disable the "illuminator" light on #Dahua cameras.
RT @dneuerer
Bund setzt chinesische Kameras zur Überwachung kritischer Infrastruktur ein - Innenpolitiker sind alarmiert. @KonstantinNotz @KonstantinKuhle @alexander_throm #hikvision #dahua
#FCC announced that it's officially implementing the #SecureEquipmentAct meaning some future #equipment from #Huawei, #ZTE, #Hytera, #Hikvision and #Dahua won't be authorized for sale in the #USA. Companies listed under the "Covered List," aren't affected
#fcc #secureequipmentact #equipment #huawei #zte #hytera #hikvision #Dahua #usa
UK urges to disconnect Chinese security cameras in government buildings #ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #securitycamers #BreakingNews #Intelligence #SecurityNews #hackingnews #DigitalID #Hikvision #Hacking #privacy #China #Dahua #UK
#ITInformationSecurity #PierluigiPaganini #SecurityAffairs #BreakingNews #hackingnews #Hacking #SecurityNews #Intelligence #DigitalID #China #privacy #securitycamers #Hikvision #Dahua #UK
#米国 の #ウイグル禁輸法 が適用された企業 #ダーファ ・テクノロジー( #Dahua Technology)が #大阪 に拠点設置するのは何故?
#維新 のせい?
#ウィグル 同様に日本人が監視される可能性大。 #導入 した #企業 等は絶対に #拒否 します。
特に #官公庁 と #警備会社 !
清水ともみ 氏のtweet
#ウィグルジェノサイド #日本人を守って欲しい #警備会社 #官公庁 #拒否 #企業 #導入 #ウィグル #維新 #大阪 #Dahua #ダーファ #ウイグル禁輸法 #米国
RT from Jake Hurfurt (@JHurfurt)
#Hikvision and #Dahua cameras are everywhere in the UK. @BigBrotherWatch is trying to find out which companies use them. Have you spotted them in your community, at work or on the high street? Let us know by emailing /cdn-cgi/l/email-protection or send me a DM!