Just heard about the death of Ann Leslie. Despite her conservative leanings and working for the Daily Fail, I had great respect for her: she was one hell of a journalist. An incisive interviewer who never left you in any doubt of her opinions, she was a great loss from programmes like Question Time, where she was worth a thousand of the half-arsed comedians and vacuous celebrities the BBC stuffs the panel with these days.
#AnnLeslie #Journalism #DailyMail #DailyExpress
#DailyExpress #dailymail #journalism #annleslie
I came across a story about a #trans runner #running the #LondonMarathon who has apologised and offered to return their medal because of the #DailyExpress as they beat 14000 female runners. I can't see why either apology or medal-return is necessary and I hope they don't do either. Runner's name is Glenique Frank. Who exactly does this affect?
#trans #running #londonmarathon #DailyExpress
The lies of the #brexiteers well illustrated by that extremist right wing rag the #DailyExpress. They fed this bigoted rubbish 2 the British public 4 year after year, an apology req'd, a #PublicInquiry better still. https://t.co/KjCKFhHFVV #Brexit #BrexitDisaster #RejoinEU
#brexiteers #DailyExpress #publicinquiry #brexit #BrexitDisaster #RejoinEU
But for the #Tories this dog-whistling *does* stir up their base, fed this stuff for years by the #DailyMail #DailyExpress et al.
The only issue is whether the middle-ground voters say enough is enough and vote the #ToriesOut, or leap on board and flick two fingers at the left-wing #Wokerati at the #ECHR then - whoopee! - another five years of Tory misrule
#tories #DailyMail #DailyExpress #ToriesOut #Wokerati #echr
So no doubt many of you saw today's front page of the Daily Express, with the latest round of anti-trans propaganda.
I did have some thoughts for anyone interested.
Firstly, I just love conservative idpol. It's so goofy when those who despise it, go and use it themselves.
The fifth of five on their 'hit list' is ripped straight out of Florida (and blocked iirc), in case anyone needs confirmation where all of this moral panic is coming from. 🔽 🧵
#lgbtq #trans #DailyExpress #ukmedia #media
From the video detail - Miriam tells Mike: "Children with mental health problems should be treated properly and with compassion, not taught this ideology."
It can only be rank ineptitude, or for deception purposes for the channel, to smooth out her view on it.
btw, below is today's Daily Express front page.
The hysteria shows no signs of ending and is still profitable for ghouls who want to sell their soul and run on this.
I think we'd all prefer some competent government, restoration of standards in public life, and proper investment in our infrastructure and public services please. Leave the exceptionalist jingoism behind.
RT @TmorrowsPapers@twitter.com
Friday's Express: Mr Hunt, Can We Please Start Talking Britain Up #TomorrowsPapersToday #DailyExpress #Express
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TmorrowsPapers/status/1618743710929264642
#TomorrowsPapersToday #DailyExpress #Express
@weaniejeanie53 #propaganda from the #DailyExpress that 💩 so called #newspaper 🤢🤮
#propaganda #DailyExpress #newspaper
These graphics should be at the forefront of national media. Sadly the #DailyExpress, #DailtMail, #TheSun etc continue 2 pour out #Brexit lies 2 deceive British people. #Liars are odious. #LiarSunak #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption
#DailyExpress #dailtmail #thesun #brexit #liars #LiarSunak #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption
These graphics should be at the forefront of national media. Sadly the #DailyExpress, #DailtMail, #TheSun etc continue 2 pour out #Brexit lies 2 deceive British people. #Liars are odious. #LiarSunak #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption https://t.co/yvNflkflKa
#DailyExpress #dailtmail #thesun #brexit #liars #LiarSunak #RejoinEU #ToryCorruption
British media, especially #dailymail and #dailyexpress are #racist!
#racist #DailyExpress #dailymail
British media, especially #dailymail and #dailyexpress are #racist!
#racist #DailyExpress #dailymail
RT @TmorrowsPapers@twitter.com
Saturday's Express: Parents Raid Pensions To Bail Out Loved Ones #TomorrowsPapersToday #DailyExpress #Express
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TmorrowsPapers/status/1596261422325014528
#TomorrowsPapersToday #DailyExpress #Express
I heard #FoxNews mentioned and that fits into the #NewsCorperation idea expressed already. The #DailyMail or #DailyExpress seem good ideas too. There are just too many options of Media that would benefit from the #MuskExpertise. I am going to suggest an idea of a mainly US (but with tentacles in the UK) media site, that being #BreitbartNews...they are nearly as bad as #Infowars or #FoxNews. How do these people get to claim they are news? It must go against trades descriptions acts.
#foxnews #NewsCorperation #DailyMail #DailyExpress #MuskExpertise #BreitbartNews #infowars
Le 1er septembre dernier décédait Barbara Ehrenreich.
Journaliste, activiste, historienne et tant d'autres choses encore, je voulais lui rendre un petit hommage.
Sa probité et sa tenacité n'avait d’égal que son sens de l'humour.
Ici un extrait d'une conférence de 2006, que #DemocracyNow a repassé dans un #dailyExpress qui lui été dédié le 2 septembre.
#tribute #BarbaraEhrenreich #democracynow #DailyExpress