- workin on the gidocgen parser
- improving btrfs-rec rebuild-mappings
- So I think the gi-docgen HTML parser is finally bug-free? Fuzzer hasn't found any issues in a while.
- I saw that @orsinium published his #golang enum library (https://github.com/orsinium-labs/enum), so I took a peek at it and filed a couple minor PRs :)
- Work on improving the btrfs-rec rebuild-mappings algorithm #btrfs
- Had a not very productive day working on the gi-docgen parser
- Having a very productive day working on the gi-docgen parser. I think I have basically all the parts working, and now I just need to tie things together.
- idk
- Ugg I'm the worst and haven't been posting standups this week
- Try to get the gi-docgen html block processor working
- Fuss with #SignalApp MMS
- ?
- Slept 'til 3pm
- #fuzzer found an issue with the gi-docgen blockparser (hence the #Unicode toots)
- Read Umorpha's mission+values doc
- put the LED in my lightsaber that I drilled the hole for in May
- SIM for #SignalApp testing came, so used it to play w/ my #Librem5
- Donut's bday! 🐱😍🎂
- fixed the blockparser
- meet w/ Umorpha
- put #OpenWrt on router for mom
- put new HDDs in the #Parabola build server (assuming they arrive)
- so many emails
- idk
#DailyStandup #fuzzer #unicode #signalapp #librem5 #openwrt #parabola
What I did yesterday:
- Mostly just napped
- My aluminum wire came so I spent some time re-doing the brim of my wizard hat
What I'm doing today:
- Ugg, overnight the fuzzer found another issue in the blockparser. Fixing.
- Rework the first part of the btrfs-rec rebuild-chunks algorithm
- none?
What I did yesterday:
- I thought I got the gi-docgen blockparser working correctly
What I'm doing today:
- Actually the fuzzer found some issues in the night; fixed them
- Proceeding to work on the inlineparser
- Low energy today. Tempted to just screw off and play with my new Flipper Zero? Or take a nap?
#DailyStandup Today was weird because sleep.
What I did Sat/Sun:
- Ordered another SIM card to more easily test this #SignalApp MMS issue
- #Parabola build server locked up again, idk why. But: 1. SMART errors; so new drives will be here Thursday 🤞 2. Fixed errors from hackers-update.service and shadow.service
- Worked on the gi-docgen parser
What I did today:
- Worked on the gi-docgen parser. Still fuzzing running, but it's looking like I've finally got the blockparser behaving correctly 🤞
#DailyStandup #signalapp #parabola
No #dailystandup yesterday because I didn't sleep right and spent the day in a half-asleep haze.
But on Thursday I:
- Dealt with the #Parabola build server overheating
- Presented on Parabola at #Boulder #LUG
- Got a good log trace of the MMS bug in my fork of #SignalApp
- Ordered a Flipper Zero
Today I'm going to:
- Looks like the Parabola build server died because the OOM killer made some bad choices? Looking into that.
- Emails
- Try to wrap up the gi-docgen parser, and PR that into gotk4
#DailyStandup #parabola #boulder #lug #signalapp
What I did yesterday:
- Fight with the Signal build system and Android app signing and dumb user-hostile bullshit
- Read docs on Android telephony
What I'm doing today:
- Work on LUG presentation, give LUG presentation
- My brain is garbage
What I did yesterday:
- Flew back home from Indianapolis after #GenCon
- Started updating my fork of #SignalApp from v6.26 to v6.27
What I'm doing today:
- Track down a bug with MMS group messages in my fork of #SignalApp
- Sync with Flynn
- Prepare my presentation on #Parabola #GNU/ #LinuxLibre that I'm giving at the Boulder LUG tomorrow.
- I hate Gradle so much
#DailyStandup #gencon #signalapp #parabola #gnu #linuxlibre
Yesterday, I made some huge progress on my oldest open ticket. Not solved yet, but the biggest issue is solved. Today, I get a new laptop (finally), I have to test our network and I have a meeting about the entropy in a project we do for a different client.
Yesterday I worked on my #Python script for software versions. Today, I have on-call duty, a daily, a teammeeting and a meeting with a customer. But before doing that, I have to make sure our management interface is accessible.
Yesterday, I started working on a #Python script to retrieve software versions for our networking equipment. Today, I will continue working on this, I have to verify a coworkers change and if time permits, I want to checkout the possibilities of #NetConf traps.
#python #netconf #DailyStandup
Today, I will work on a script to retrieve updated software and I had a meeting with my teamlead. That's all I have planned for today.
Yesterday I finished the first big part of one of the most important libraries of my personal project (My). Today, I want to finish the second big part for that library and hopefully start on the third. There are four and I hope to finish them all by next friday.
Yesterday I was of and worked on my main personal project (My). I made some good progress. Today I'm working and I want to create a new customer network, read the minutes from a meeting I missed, update all my open tickets, start a new upgrade procedure and learn about #Python #poetry
Yesterday, I had wayy too many meetings to do anything useful. Today, I was suppose to go see my bestie, but unforseen cirscumstances have made that impossible, so I have the day for myself. I want to work on my main personal project today (My), maybe publish a article on Medium about efficient use of the `kubectl` command, and, although I'm not working today, respond to a mail from a coworker about a project at work.
Yesterday I had a meeting with a possible service provider. Today I have a meeting with another one, I want to create a new VLAN and I hope to start on a upgrade procedure. Furthermore, I have to present out Vulnerability Scanner to a new customer in the hope they want to buy it from us. Busy day, so time will be a factor today.
Last thurdays, I spent time working on a Python library to interact programmatically with out ticketing system. Today, I will continue on this and I also have monitoring shift. I don't see any impedements. #dailystandup