Thank you for sharing this.
My latest episode of You Can't Be Neutral includes a piece on Wounded Knee by Frank Waln
#YouCantBeNeutral #FrankWaln #WoundedKnee #IndigenousRights #LandBack #Dakota38 #Lincoln #Canada #Dakota #Lakota #Nakota
#youcantbeneutral #frankwaln #woundedknee #indigenousrights #landback #Dakota38 #lincoln #canada #Dakota #lakota #nakota
On this day 160 years ago, the U.S. carried out the largest mass execution in its history when Abraham Lincoln ordered the killing of 38 Dakota Nation members, weeks after the Dakota had surrendered in the 1862 war.
The Dakota war was triggered at a time when the Dakota People were starving to death and under attack from white settlers. After repeated peace treaty violations by the U.S. and its failure to deliver food and supplies to the tribe as compensation for their land, some Dakota began to fiercely rebel.
After what many describe as unfair trials, 38 tribe members were hung in front of hundreds of white settlers. Following the execution, Congress passed legislation that prohibited Dakota from living in Minnesota and forced the tribe into exile.
#dakota #DakotaNation #DakotaWar #DakotaPeople
#Dakota #dakotanation #dakotawar #dakotapeople
In the midst of our current winter storm, I’m amazed at the strength of these #Dakota #activists reminding #minnesota about the most shameful part of our past. Amazing reporting from #MPR (who should be on Mastodon but not yet)
#Dakota #activists #minnesota #mpr
& another thing #Trudeau U & your stupid #LibTard #commies
🇺🇸 If U attempt to put OUR FAMILY MEMEBERS
🇨🇦 into your Concentration #Quarantine #climatechange “CAMPS”
🇺🇸We will Show Up with our Big American Guns
🇺🇸 & our Big American Attitudes
🇺🇸 & U will have a really Big F problem…
🇺🇸 so DONT attempt to Round Up Our Canadian Family Members…
🇺🇸 Unless U want a steady stream of #Idaho #Montana #Wyoming #Washington #Minnesota #Dakota 🇺🇸etc 🇺🇸etc 🇺🇸etc
🇺🇸VERY angry family memebers… invading… like a WALL of well armed #locus
🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇨🇦 🇺🇸
glad we talked
#locus #Dakota #minnesota #washington #wyoming #montana #Idaho #climatechange #quarantine #commies #libtard #trudeau