“If we have a positive mental attitude, then even when surrounded by hostility, we shall not lack inner peace.”
― Dalai Lama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #DalaiLama
“The key to transforming our hearts and minds is to have an understanding of how our thoughts and emotions work.”
― Dalai Lama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #character #DalaiLama
@bbuehrlen Weil ich es gerade gelesen habe und so passend fand noch ein Zitat von Susan Bauer-Wu aus dem Buch "A future we can love":
"Wir sind Teil der Natur, untrennbar mit ihr verbunden. Leider scheinen allzu viele Menschen diese wechselseitige Abhängigkeit vergessen [zu] haben." (S. 24)
#afuturewecanlove #Gretathunberg #DalaiLama #natur #klimakrise #menschen
#afuturewecanlove #Gretathunberg #DalaiLama #natur #klimakrise #menschen
“I find hope in the darkest of days, and focus in the brightest. I do not judge the universe.”
― Dalai Lama https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dalai_Lama
#bot #quote #FamousQuotes #DalaiLama
Does anybody have contact with the #DalaiLama?
We should get him to join the real #Fediverse before #Project92 gets him.
:boost: #JoinTheFediverse #JoinFediverse #JoinTheFediverseDalaiLama
#DalaiLama #Fediverse #project92 #JoinTheFediverse #JoinFediverse #jointhefediversedalailama
Neue Folge! Über Hitze & Klima in Frankreich, Medienkompetenz bei Markus #Lanz, Demokratieabbau in Polen, Annexion von Belarus, Eroberung von Bachmut, Sham Jaff über Ruanda, die Zunge des #DalaiLama + #GoodNews
...planet for real? Do our part? Can we do something or is everything useless?
Well, I know the #DalaiLama is not very popular these days for being a creepy old man, but he wrote in "Rebels for peace" that every person do his or hers own part in the collective struggle and that people like #MalcomX or #MartinLutherKing are only able to speak to and for the people because every single person did his or her personal effort to change the paradigm into a new direction.
#DalaiLama #malcomx #martinlutherking
Here's a good article about the Dalai Lama incident that doesn't fall for snap judgments of any type--it examines the situation contextually, consults experts, and acknowledges that the same interaction hits very differently and legitimately for different groups of viewers.
#tibet #DalaiLama #buddhist #buddhism
Tibetans rallied against CNN, emphasizing the racist, distorted nature of the recent media cycle story about the Dalai Lama. The controversy was fabricated by an edited video pushed by the anti-Dalai Lama Chinese government, but went unopposed in the Western media due to failure to contextualize the interaction within Tibetan cultural norms.
#buddhism #buddhist #tibet #dalailama
#DalaiLama #tibet #buddhist #buddhism
for a more objective take on the #DalaiLama debacle of the last 3 weeks :
Suck my tongue
Not the Tibetan Way
What is M3M
Religion as soft power?
What On Earth Is Wrong With The Dalai Lama? – Part 1
"To claim that the Dalai Lama can exercise an inviolable right to treat a random Indian child just as he pleases because that is a Tibetan custom only makes matters worse."
#dalailama #Buddhism #TibetanBuddhism #india
#India #TibetanBuddhism #buddhism #DalaiLama
Ultimately the foundation of peace of mind is loving kindness. Every day, as soon as I wake up, I meditate on compassion, and it brings me peace and tranquility. It’s not just a matter of being free from disturbance, but of being moved by love and compassion. Peace of mind isn’t just a religious topic; it underpins the survival of humanity. Even those who trouble us are human beings and deserve our compassion.
~ His Holiness The 14th Dalai Lama
#buddhism #DalaiLama #compassion
Must Read about the #DalaiLama incident that shocked the world.
Finally some educated reading that doesn’t go into hysterical arguments and instead, objectively look at the main points advanced to counter the hysterical first reaction.
“Predators often test the waters by overstepping boundaries in front of other adults. They may aggressively tickle a girl or wrestle with a boy or engage in what he may later call “just horseplay.” If ... https://blog.rmendes.net/2023/04/26/must-read-about.html
RT @marko_kovic: 1/ Der #DalaiLama machte mit seiner Zungen-Lutsch-Aktion gegenüber einem Kind (!) Schlagzeilen.
Guter Zeitpunkt für einen (nicht so) Fun Fact: Das Image des Dalai Lama als liebevoller spiritueller Führer ist weitgehend Fiktion. Er war 60 Jahre lang theokratischer Machthaber. 🧵
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/dieGamon/status/1647128493623222272
#DalaiLama #Cartoon #EditorialCartoons
#Cartoonist Clay Jones
#DalaiLama #cartoon #editorialcartoons #Cartoonist
RT @LobsangJig63285
@TJuva @danbharris #DalaiLama's apology, in that way, is the noble soul’s apology on behalf of #humanity,
Ricardo Mendes denounced to Dalai Lama cases of abuses in Buddhist temple in OKC and 11 other cases of abuses in 2018 : nothing was done.
https://blog.rmendes.net/2023/04/16/portuguese-denounced-to.html #suckmytongue #tibetanbuddhism #dalailama #okcinfo
#okcinfo #DalaiLama #TibetanBuddhism #suckmytongue
Ricardo Mendes a dénoncé au Dalaï Lama des cas d'abus dans un temple bouddhiste à OKC et 11 autres cas d'abus en 2018 : "Rien n'a été fait" https://blog.rmendes.net/2023/04/16/ricardo-mendes-a.html #suckmytongue #dalailama #Bouddhisme
#bouddhisme #DalaiLama #suckmytongue
#BosettisWoche: #42 #Döpfners Dämonen und #DalaiLama mit #BettinaRust
AKW-Ausstieg jetzt? Ja, nein, vielleicht? Und wenn ja, bringt es das überhaupt, weil die meisten um uns herum und weltweit ja doch weiter auf Atomkraft setzen? Bettina Rust, Moderatorin und heutige Gästin in Bosettis Woche, ist etwas unschlüssig.
Webseite der Episode: https://www.ndr.de/nachrichten/info/42-Doepfners-Daemonen-und-Dalai-Lama-mit-Bettina-Rust,audio1360306.html
Mediendatei: https://mediandr-a.akamaihd.net/download/podcasts/podcast5378/AU-20230414-1452-2100.mp3
#bettinarust #DalaiLama #dopfners #BosettisWoche #bosetti
“It seems that many people, forced into an environment of e-connections, have completely forgotten what human connection means.”
#tibet #DalaiLama #Culture #worldnews #southasia #suckmytongue #china
#Tibet #DalaiLama #culture #worldnews #southasia #suckmytongue #China