Hybrid Dalek Sec wishes you a very human (& yet Dalek) Christmas.
@liquidparanoia And I am. Sec's just hanging out now.
_Santa_ Muerte with some Christmastime skulls, or Elysian loves of a kind, whatever works.
Merry Christmas in any case, if you're celebrating that. 🎄
Overkill is not enough if talking an #abundance of everything you may like. ALT texts included.
@scottpurdy Aww, someone wrote a song about me & #DalekSec. Hybrid or not.
Up until the happymerry Xmas part, at which stage _I_ wish to/NEED to exterminate the faux twee shite singing.
Hmh. Tag potential then I suppose, dislike as I do the thought when no guarantee I'll ever get around 2 posting anything again unless needing to. Not looking, so to speak.
#Blakes7 #RedDwarf #TotalRecall2070 #StarWars #LukeSkywalker #LordOfTheRings #LOTR #Discworld #Mythology #80sCartoons #HellboyGoldenArmy?
If #androids, #villains, reptiles or aliens, it'll probably work.
Or characters like hybrid #DalekSec, Griffin from MIB 3, Ian Farve from #TR2070, Luke, Rimmer or many forgotten just now.
#blakes7 #reddwarf #TotalRecall2070 #starwars #LukeSkywalker #lordoftherings #lotr #discworld #mythology #80scartoons #HellboyGoldenArmy #androids #villains #DalekSec #TR2070