When my kiddo was tiny, I found a CD of Peter and the Wolf, narrated by #DameEdna. Here it is on Spotify for you to enjoy, possums.
Or a live version on YouTube. https://youtu.be/gTvlHgR_X7w
In the long tradition of ex-lawyers or almost lawyers in theatre Barry Humphries was a star. He was the first person that opened my mind to the possibility that an Aussie from a small city could come to the wide wild of #London. Thanks Barry.
#BarryHumphries #DameEdna #Aussies #Aus
#london #barryhumphries #DameEdna #Aussies #aus
RIP Barry Humphries.
Dame Edna Everage was Ali G before Ali G was Ali G.
An unfiltered Aussie wreaking havoc on UK entertainment and leaving no-one unscathed.
And we loved it! Brutal interviews with major Hollywood stars were just superb, and THEY loved it π
#ripbarryhumphries #DameEdna #barryhumphries
[1984] Another Audience with Dame Edna Everage - Dame Edna, Australian housewife and megastar appears on the television series 'An Audience With...' three times to share her views and answer questions in front of a celebrity audience.
R.I.P. Barry Humphries
#OldBritishTelly #barryhumphries #DameEdna
"One of the things that used to make me laugh most about my marvellous and clever mother-in-law, and believe me there were quite literally hundreds, was that she refused to believe that Dame Edna Everage and Les Patterson were A) the same person, and B) fictional characters. It didn't matter what we said or how we said it, she was having none of it. And my God, did she hate Les Patterson."
#ThePantherInMyKitchen #BRIANBLESSED #DameEdna #SirLesPatterson #barryhumphries