Rachel Reeves isn't best pleased that Jamie Driscoll is standing against Labour. How dare he do such a thing, he had a chat with Ken Loach over his latest film, that's not in keeping with Labour values! She has of course once again falsely said that Loach was expelled from the Labour Party justifying her stance, but it's an increasingly offensive and ridiculous one. We know #ItWasAScam and there's no way I'll vote for anyone still peddling that lie. #DamoRants
So, who gets taken to court for trying to save three quid? As if you need ask really, of course it'll be the Tories and to nobody's surprise whatsoever it's Suella Braverman. She's been found to have acted unlawfully by the high court for denying under three's and pregnant asylum seekers in hotels the necessary three pound supplement to feed themselves properly. What a country we live in. #DamoRants #ToryScum
The Tories are building a railway in Turkey! No we aren't they say, we're underwriting a loan for Turkey to build a railway! So if they don't pay, we end up liable then? Err...it's good for our economy, our expertise and equipment is being used to build the railway! So we're building a railways for Turkey then? What about our ticket offices? We can't afford those! But if Turkey doesn't pay? Errr...#DamoRants #TicketOfficeClosures
#DamoRants #ticketofficeclosures
So the banning of the Corbyn film Oh Jeremy Corbyn: The Big Lie in all Unite properties appears to be a directive straight from Sharon Graham and her team according to an email sent out by the assistant Unite General Secretary to the Community branch that had organised a showing of the film together with promotion for journalist Asa Winstanley on the Bristol leg of his Weaponising Antisemitism book tour. #DamoRants #ItWasAScam
Keir Starmer has embarked on a policy drive at the National Policy Forum and by drive I mean driving out anything he thinks Tory voters won't like, from walking away from Sure Start, started by his idol Blair as he makes it clear he'll be even worse than he was, to getting the backs of trade unions up to the point they boycott dinner with him and amid all of that he has the nerve to comapre himself to Nye Bevan! #DamoRants #StarmerIsATory
Trade unions have walked out over Keir Starmer's pledge breaking and unwillingness to deliver on policy they want enacted. Starmer's arrogance now extends to dictating to the very bodies that fund his party. When you consider things like minimum wage increases to the Β£15ph Starmer once protested over and issues such as equal pay, you kind of have to ask what exactly the trade unions think they're getting out of this deal with Labour anymore. #DamoRants #LabourParty
So Dan Wootton has launched a crowdfund to fight back against the allegations of misconduct put to him by a three year investigation by Byline Times. That said, he's already got the lawyers working for him and he's hired Mishcon De Reya at that! So is it the case that Wootton can afford these lawyers given they're already acting on his instruction, or he can't, which is why he's crowdfunding for his fans to pay for them for him? #DamoRants #DanWoottonScandal
I rarely watch PMQs but I couldn't not pass comment on the epic burn Stephen Flynn gave to both #SirKidStarver and Rishi Sunak - kiddy no snacks? - over their desire to keep kids in poverty in the name of punishing their parents. The fact Sunak is proud of it and Starmer just laughed should speak volumes that neither are people who's parties anyone should be going anywhere near with their votes. #DamoRants
When even a member of the Labour Party National Executive Committee is deemed to be not a high enough quality candidate to stand as an MP, you know the factionalism in Labour has jumped the shark. Literally a guy who has vetted other candidates, cannot be one himself! Solidarity to Mish Rahman. #DamoRants #StarmerIsATory
As #SirKidStarver has continued to dig his heels in, so has the economic illiteracy. Lucy Powell even tried to sell us the overused Tory mantra that there was no money left, when this country can literally print as much money as it needs. Rachel Reeves again bleats about fiscal rules and not knowing where the money to pay to fight child poverty will come from, but her fiscal rules are rules she's set herself. Therein lies the truth of the matter. #DamoRants
Jamie Driscoll has had enough and who can blame him. Labour have just insulted him from start to finish for no other reasons than Sir Kid Starver getting his own way with another factional puppet. So now he's running as an independent, crowdfunding for his campaign, people giving him a fiver here and a tenner there, just like we did with Corbyn, the socialist way, without the donors, without favours being owed. Let's get him elected again. #DamoRants #JamieDriscoll
So with the initial revelations - allegations - against dan Wootton made by Byline Times making for shocking reading, you can't help but compare the response by GB News, by the BBC and by Rupert Murdoch concerning this story - i.e. nothing - to the BBC presenter scandal concerning Huw Edwards. Why so quiet about Wootton, when the allegations if true, are a much bigger story surely? #DamoRants #DanWoottonExposed
Ahh, epic #ToryGaslighting over joining the CPTPP and here was me thinking we didn't want to belong to a trade bloc anymore so what gives? We walk away from a 4% loss of GDP to gain back 0.08% of it and for what? So Malaysia can sell us palm oil without tariffs. They're the only ones gaining. Well we can export whisky and cars and meat, well, good luck selling whisky to mainly Muslim Malaysia! #DamoRants
Is Keir Starmer literally committed to changing anything from how the Tories run things? For all his attacks on them he doesn't seem to think they're doing anything wrong given he's keeping everything they are, not least one of the most evil poverty inducing assaults on working class families going, in the two child benefit cap. If he can't bring himself to end even this, you aren't voting the Tories out, you're just voting another one in. #DamoRants #StarmerIsATory
So the #CovidInquiry court case has been lost as predicted by Rishi Sunak, one of the High Court judges being a former rugby player no less, though mental images of little Rishi being flattened on the pitch are no less smile inducing than seeing him get floored in court. The Inquiry now has even more clout following this for more materials should they want it, Sunak has failed again and he's slipped even further in the polls today. #DamoRants
RT @KernowDamo
The treatment of Stephen Kapos, as seen on last Sunday's @Standup4Labour show was utterly wretched. Anyone believing Starmer threatening to expel a Holocaust survivor from the party is tackling AS needs their head examining. #DamoRants #StarmerOut https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYNDHWEM/
Nadhim Zahawi is still causing a stink and Rishi Sunak with him this time as the Tories new senior treasurer is making a mint out of Russia's oil and gas industry! #DamoRants #TorySleaze https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYNq8s2F/
RT @KernowDamo@twitter.com
The treatment of Stephen Kapos, as seen on last Sunday's @Standup4Labour@twitter.com show was utterly wretched. Anyone believing Starmer threatening to expel a Holocaust survivor from the party is tackling AS needs their head examining. #DamoRants #StarmerOut https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYNDHWEM/
π¦π: https://twitter.com/KernowDamo/status/1620127694498439168
RT @KernowDamo@twitter.com
The treatment of Stephen Kapos, as seen on last Sunday's @Standup4Labour@twitter.com show was utterly wretched. Anyone believing Starmer threatening to expel a Holocaust survivor from the party is tackling AS needs their head examining. #DamoRants #StarmerOut https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYNDHWEM/
π¦π: https://twitter.com/KernowDamo/status/1620127694498439168
I just published a new post on my @buymeacoffee@twitter.com!
Nadhim Zahawi is gone, but his sleaze keeps coming...#DamoRants #TorySleaze