A Spotted Spreadwing damselfly (Lestes congener) in the woods, close to a wetland.
#naturephotography #libelle #odonata #Damselfly #insects
A Powdered Dancer (Argia moesta) damselfly. I've found it on the sandy beach of Lake Huron.
#insects #InsectSaturday #InsektenSamstag #Odonata #damselfly
#Damselfly #odonata #insektensamstag #insectsaturday #insects
I enjoy photographing the tiny delicate damselflies, especially the spreadwing damselflies.
Their wings are always transparent with four black dots and directed upwards at rest.
We don't see them very often here, most of the time I find them only in a small area no more than 200m along a large wetland nearby.
#dragonfly #odonata #Damselfly #spreadwing #insects
A walk around Aylesbeare Common this morning. It was definitely a more butterfly than a bird day. Red Admiral, White Admiral, Green Hairstreak, Grayling, Gatekeeper, Ringlet, Holly Blue, Speckled Wood, Holly Blue, Silver-washed Fritillary & Brimstone as well as an Emerald Damselfly. A nice bunch of people from the Local Group of the RSPB too.
#nature #wildlife #butterfly #butterflies #damselfly #Devon #PebblebedHeath #Sunday
📷 Silver-washed Fritillary
📷 Holly Blue
📷 White Admiral
📷 Grayling
#sunday #pebblebedheath #devon #Damselfly #butterflies #butterfly #wildlife #nature
A Spreadwing Damselfly
The Aurora Damsel (Chromagrion conditum) is a common damselfly across much of the eastern United States and into Canada. Unfortunately, its not often seen here.
After I found the female in early June, it took me more than three weeks to find the male.
This damselfly is easy to identify due to the yellow spot under its thorax.
The Sedge Sprite Damselfly (Nehalennia irene) - not often seen in our area.
#nature #wildmeadow #odonata #Damselfly #insects
The Ebony Jewelwings (Calopteryx maculata) are starting to congregate at streams. They'll be mating there in a few days and lay their eggs into the water.
#Damselfly #Odonata #nature
#naturephotography #nature #odonata #Damselfly
New on my #blog: https://aspi.blog/2023/06/24/beaumont-batting-beautifully/
Looking at developments in the ongoing #WAshes #TestMatch, especially Beaumont's ongoing assault on the record books, accompanied by a splendid #photo gallery.
#cricket #TestCricket #WomensCricket #ENGvAUS #Ashes #WAshes #photography #birds #insects #butterflies #bees #damselfly
#Damselfly #bees #butterflies #insects #birds #photography #ashes #engvaus #Womenscricket #TestCricket #cricket #photo #testmatch #washes #blog
A male Eastern Forktail Damselfly (Ischnura verticalis).
At the end of its abdomen you can see some dark red dots. 🧐
Unfortunately, this poor thing is infected with water mites.
I've added a crop of this photo to the photo for a better view.
#insects #damselfly #damselflies #mites #macrophotography #Mitestodon
#mitestodon #macrophotography #mites #damselflies #Damselfly #insects
A Northern Spreadwing damselfly (Lestes disjunctus)
#dragonfly #Damselfly #insects
A beautiful male Bluet Damselfly
Three damselflies in different colours - and all are Eastern Forktail Damselflies (Ischnura verticalis)!
The first with a green thorax, a dark abdomen with a light blue end is a male.
The second with an orange thorax and a dark abdomen is an immature female.
The third blue-gray one is an adult female.
But it's not that easy, don't be fooled. For whatever reason male-like females are not uncommon. The females come in all combinations of colours I mentioned above.
A male Eastern Forktail damselfly (Ischnura verticalis) clings at the capsule of a moss sporophyte.
#macrophotography #Mosstodon #Damselfly #insects
A first find today:
A female Taiga Bluet damselfly (Coenagrion resolutum)
#kleinlibelle #Damselfly #insects
A female Marsh Bluet damselfly on a blueberry blossom.
#kleinlibelle #Damselfly #insects
Was on the hunt for damselflies today and found this one, it was also on the hunt and very successful!
A Damselfly eating another big insect... 😮
New paper in Journal of Heredity using @gbif mediated data:
Reference #genome for the American rubyspot #damselfly, Hetaerina americana 🇺🇸
#CiteTheDOI: ❌
#genome #Damselfly #CiteTheDOI