Marion Kuchenny · @MarionKuchenny
74 followers · 101 posts · Server
Marion Kuchenny · @MarionKuchenny
69 followers · 92 posts · Server

Noch sieht's nicht danach aus.
Aber gleich ist hier Party! 🎉

hr1-Dancefloor - immer freitags von 19.00 bis Mitternacht im 📻 und hier ⬇️

#Dancefloor #dance #live #disco #funkyfriday #partytime #groove #goodvibes #radio #music

Last updated 1 year ago

Marion Kuchenny · @MarionKuchenny
60 followers · 74 posts · Server
"The Eddie Show" 😎 · @DemocracySpot
739 followers · 11692 posts · Server

🎬 YouTube served up 's solo scene in "Saturday Night Fever," and I remembered what I thought, sitting in a theater in tinytown NC in 1977.

"Shit. Have these people never watched !" 😂

That is a mostly true story.

#SoulTrain #Dancefloor #JohnTravolta

Last updated 1 year ago

Marion Kuchenny · @MarionKuchenny
49 followers · 46 posts · Server

Für Herz und Seele ✨

▶️ In diesen Zeiten wichtiger denn je.
▶️ Freu mich auf jeden, der dabei sein mag in:

✅ Bad Hersfeld
✅ Gießen
✅ Bensheim

#Event #moderation #Dancefloor

Last updated 2 years ago

9 o'clock Nasty · @9oclocknasty
37 followers · 203 posts · Server
9 o'clock Nasty · @9oclocknasty
37 followers · 199 posts · Server

Low Fat Jesus spends 3 hours every morning with make up and prosthetics to conform to the Western ideal of his physical form. The marketing team in Heaven say it is super-important to his brand.

All the time the crew bang out this tune.

Some days it is all he has to keep going.

Hell, you see, can sometimes be just circumstances. But glad the Mark Wise filthy beats keeps the Messiah going.

Follow Us To Hell.

#newindie #indie #techno #dance #glitter #hotpants #rock #Music #beats #postpunk #musiciansofinstagram #ukmusic #alternative #discoinvestors #alternativa #newartist #leicester #Dancefloor #GetIntoThem #progress #love #bass #musica #punk #faith #jesus #religion

Last updated 2 years ago

9 o'clock Nasty · @9oclocknasty
37 followers · 197 posts · Server

@petebrock2023 has rediscovered two things since @markwisetechno entered his life with the stunning filth of the Low Fat Jesus remix. First he has shaved his beard and got into some serious disco dancing. Second he has begun giving Star Wars inspired light sabre demonstrations to an adoring crowd at Leicester beach. Last night the sharks were sad because nobody was swimming - they were all watching Pete swivel and twitch on the pure white sand. Visit Leicester folks, Britain's most exclusive and secret seaside resort. In other news the remix of Low Fat Jesus is OUT NOW - brethren, gather together. Heed unto our call. We beseech the Lord for Techno. Let us go, my people. Let us go. Let us go, Techno.

Follow Us To Hell.

#newindie #indie #techno #dance #glitter #hotpants #rock #Music #beats #postpunk #musiciansofinstagram #ukmusic #alternative #discoinvestors #alternativa #newartist #leicester #Dancefloor #GetIntoThem #progress #love #bass #musica #punk #faith #jesus #religion

Last updated 2 years ago

9 o'clock Nasty · @9oclocknasty
37 followers · 193 posts · Server

@jpgchief writing for Less Than 1000 Followers blog "Well, the English post-punk band has been mashed up with New Jersey Techno from one of the most exciting up-and-coming DJs on the East Coast, Mark Wise. That’s right, The Nasty are going Techno. Add it to the list of things I never say coming, but I’m very grateful for it. The remix is… well, something very different. But it is good, it is so good. It works perfectly."

Ah but we were ALWAYS techno we just needed to true wizard to make something good enough to unleash. We live in the space between those beats.

Follow Us To Hell.

#newindie #indie #techno #dance #glitter #hotpants #rock #Music #beats #postpunk #musiciansofinstagram #ukmusic #alternative #discoinvestors #alternativa #newartist #leicester #Dancefloor #GetIntoThem #progress #love #bass #musica #punk #faith #jesus #religion

Last updated 2 years ago

Marion Kuchenny · @MarionKuchenny
45 followers · 26 posts · Server

Zum Wochenausklang mal was Lebensbejahendes 😊
Kommt tanzen! 🔥
Am 18.03. wieder live und in Farbe in Bad Hersfeld! 🎉
Und heute Abend im Radio! ✨
hr1-Dancefloor - immer freitags von 19.00 bis Mitternacht hier ⬇️
Freu mich auf Euch! 🥰

#Dancefloor #dance #dancelove #party #partytime #Event #offair #onair #bettertogether #grooveisintheheart #disco #disconight #goodmusic #goodvibes #allnightlong #dancetillyoudrop #allaboutsoul #grooves #radio #funkyfriday

Last updated 2 years ago

Studentinnen-Stadt ohne Nachtleben? Schlimm!

Die PARTEI möchte das Rathaus nach Sonnenuntergang als Teilzeit-Club nutzen, bis sich jemand um diesen Missstand gekümmert hat. Denn wo hitzige Politik betrieben wird, kann auch hitzig getanzt werden.

Mitarbeiterinnen des Rathauses erhalten gratis Eintritt auf Lebenszeit. Und wenn's bei der Passausgabe mal länger dauert, kann man sich auf dem Dancefloor die Wartezeit vertanzen.

#Nachtleben #Dancefloor #diepartei #DJane #disko #club #rathaus #landau

Last updated 2 years ago

Therik Topix · @theriktopix
0 followers · 45 posts · Server