On Thursday 15 June 2023, the #CS3 #Embankment counter recorded a total of 13,901 cycle journeys.
Year-to-close of 15/06/23: 1,231,067 journeys (some missing days) - averaging one journey every 11 seconds since start of the year.
In an interview with London's Evening Standard newspaper, Conservative politician Daniel Korski claimed the CS3 cycleway is "rarely used" 🙄
#TfL #TransportForLondon #Cycling #LondonCycling #UKCycling #BikeToot #BikeTooter #DanielKorski
#cs3 #Embankment #tfl #transportforlondon #cycling #LondonCycling #UKcycling #biketoot #biketooter #DanielKorski