Thousands of Afghans in limbo two years after fall of Kabul despite pledge to save those who helped UK troops | The Independent
#afghans #AfghansWhoWorkedWithBritish #ARAP #pakistan #ACRS #Sunak #tories #dubs #Richards #lewis #jarvis #McColl #mercer #Dannatt #hopkins #labour #AfghanRefugees #AfghanRelocations
Hero Afghan pilot: I feel abandoned by the UK | The Independent
#AfghanRefugees #afghans #AfghansWhoWorkedWithBritish #AfghanPilot #uk #abandoned #rwanda #SmallBoats #afghanistan #ARAP #Dannatt #Stringer #p1
US offers asylum lifeline to Afghan war hero as as UK refuses to recognise his military service | The Independent
#AfghanRefugees #AfghansWhoWorkedWithBritish #AfghanPilot #us #military #uk #rwanda #SmallBoats #wallace #Dannatt #raf #ids #taliban #tories #labour #Sunak
Former Chief of the General Staff of the British Army, General Richard #Dannatt says sending only 12 #Challenger2 tanks to #Ukraine is "too tokenistic," and the UK should send 50 tanks. ✊
Original tweet :
#Dannatt #Challenger2 #Ukraine