Tras el horror punk de Misfits y el rock gótico de Samhain, #Danzig encaró una propuesta más sencilla y orientada hacia el blues rock con su debut homónimo publicado el 30 de agosto de 1988. Nos referimos a cierta sobriedad, pero mezclada con la oscuridad de las letras y la enorme personalidad y voz del cantante nacido en New Jersey. Uno de los grandes discos del metal que tuvo el mérito y la valentía de expresar una propuesta que parecía fuera de época para el tiempo en que se presentó.
#demonslayer #Danzig #Metal #HashtagGames #mashupasongandsuperhero
#Danzig #Metal #HashtagGames #singabookwithaleadsingerorband
#Danzig needs to know, “Am I Demon?”.
Yes, he’s a total demon. It was a childhood Ouija board incident.
He also enjoys sashimi, fine sakí and transcendental meditation.
#Metal #HashtagGames #songcharacterslifeafterthesongwasover #Danzig
#GreatAlbums1990s – #Danzig II - #Lucifuge (1990). The oddest hard rock singer since Alex Harvey (whose spirit looms on “Killer Wolf”) leads his band through a set combining classic metal gestures with nods to The Doors (“Snakes of Christ” quotes “Five to One”) and actual blues (“I’m the One,” where Glenn does his best Howlin’ Wolf wail). Rick Rubin’s nuthin’ fancy production helped make this a fine successor to Danzig’s iconic debut.
#Albums, #Music, #Reviews, #Rock, #1990s, #Metal
#Metal #1990s #rock #reviews #Music #albums #lucifuge #Danzig #greatalbums1990s
#onthisday am 23.3.1874 wurde Marie Baum in #Danzig geboren. Die Chemikerin promovierte an der @ETH. 1902 wurde sie Gewerbeindpektorin im Grossherherzogtum Baden in welcher Funktion sie immer wieder unzumutbare Arbeitsverhältnisse in den Fabriken antraf. Fortan engaierte sie sich in der Sozialpolitik und gilt als Wegbereiterin der sozialen Arbeit.
In #Zürich, auf dem Gelände der ETH Hönggerberg, ist der Marie-Baum-Weg nach ihr benannt.
🇵🇱 This is Ulica Piwna, or Beer Street, in Gdańsk (also known as Danzig), Pomerania, Poland.
Gdańsk was completely destroyed and burned down by the Soviets in 1945. But afterwards, large parts of the historic centre have been rebuilt. While the reconstruction isn't perfect, its scale is very impressive.
#Gdańsk #Danzig #Gduńsk #Pomerania #FascinatingEurope #Europa #Europe #Poland #ArchitecturalRevival #heritage #cityscape #architecture #photography #foto #EuropeanHeritage
Photo: Lidia Stawińska
#gdansk #Danzig #gdunsk #pomerania #fascinatingeurope #Europa #europe #poland #architecturalrevival #heritage #cityscape #architecture #photography #foto #europeanheritage
The interior of the Artus Court in Gdansk / Danzig in the 19th century, early 20th century and nowadays.
The centre of Gdansk was destroyed and burned down by the Soviets in 1945. Large parts have been meticulously reconstructed by Poland after 1945.
The Artus Court is named after the legendary King Arthur - a symbol of chivalry.
#Gdansk #Danzig #Pomerania #Poland #FascinatingEurope #Europa #Europe #ArchitecturalRevival #Heritage #architecture #CentralEurope #travel #photography #photo
#gdansk #Danzig #pomerania #poland #fascinatingeurope #Europa #europe #architecturalrevival #heritage #architecture #CentralEurope #travel #photography #photo
Media have been reporting about a trial of a former secretary of the commandant of Stutthof concentration camp.
Many wrote that the camp was located in German/Nazi occupied Poland.
It is true that the Stutthof Memorial is today located in Poland, yet the camp was in fact built in the territory of the Free City of Danzig that was annexed by the Third Reich at the very beginning of ww2.
Accuracy matters.
#facts #accuracy #history #Stutthof #location #Danzig #ww2 #Nazis #Germany @histodons
#facts #accuracy #history #stutthof #location #Danzig #WW2 #nazis #germany
Andrew McCarthy has starred in several movies with memorable soundtracks, including St. Elmo’s Fire, Pretty in Pink, and this one: Less Than Zero. Andrew turns 60 today. #HappyBirthday #80sMusic #80sMovies #soundtrack #cassette #cassetteculture #cassetteheaven #bangles #slayer #PublicEnemy #danzig #Aerosmith #OranJuiceJones #JoanJett #LLCoolJ #Poison
#happybirthday #80smusic #80smovies #soundtrack #cassette #cassetteculture #cassetteheaven #bangles #slayer #PublicEnemy #Danzig #aerosmith #oranjuicejones #joanjett #llcoolj #poison
I bought 'Blackacidevil' in mid nineties, when i was 15 or 16 years old. And i listened it so many times at that period. 'SACRIFICE' and 'ASHES' still trigger some memories for my youth.
DANZIG - Sacrifice
#blackacidevil #GlennDanzig #Danzig
Einer der besten Songs den Glenn Danzig für #Misfits, bzw. #Samhain komponiert hat. Passt natürlich perfekt zum heutigen Tag. 🎃
Samhain - Halloween II
#Halloween #Danzig #samhain #misfits
Saturday morning routine #Coffee & #Vinyl
#InOurMug @THEBARNBERLIN La Nueva Montana
#NowPlaying DANZIG [First pressing - EU 1988]
#smrcv #DeathBeforeDecaf #BlackCoffeeOnly #AcaiaAtHome #DearCoffeeILoveYou #VinylOfTheDay #ILoveDiscogs #RecordCollection #NowSpinning #danzig
#coffee #vinyl #InOurMug #nowplaying #smrcv #DeathBeforeDecaf #BlackCoffeeOnly #AcaiaAtHome #DearCoffeeILoveYou #VinylOfTheDay #ILoveDiscogs #RecordCollection #nowspinning #Danzig