#DarkCity wird 25. Lt Artikel ursprünglich ein Flop. Es ist schon sehr lange her dass ich den gesehen hab, und ich fand ihn damals schon sehr geil.
Habe ich, glaube ich, auf DVD.
How inspired by Descartes' evil demon (device) is the film Dark City? A bit, to be sure, but . . . there's some interesting doubts that one can raise. . .
#DarkCity #SciFi #Descartes #Evil #Demon #Doubt #Deception #Film
#film #deception #doubt #demon #evil #descartes #scifi #DarkCity
SciFi movies released in 1998…pick your favorite.
#StarTrekInsurrection #StarTrek #StarTrekTNG
#Movies #Cinemastodon #Cinema #Filmastodon #SciFiMovies #SciFi
#deepimpact #armageddon #startrekinsurrection #startrek #startrektng #DarkCity #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
Things that drop:
• people who are having their reality edited
• people getting their organs repossessed
• two new episodes of Yelling About Movies, this Friday
#YabtM #movies #film #reviews #YouTube #darkcity #repothegeneticopera #cinemastodon
#yabtm #movies #film #reviews #youtube #DarkCity #repothegeneticopera #cinemastodon
@amindonfire Isn't it a lot more useful to tag that with #DarkCity & e.g. the director's or actors' names instead?
That way the movie can be searched for by people interested in it, where anyone looking at #movies will likely see hundreds of posts even in a day, and never see this again, or be able to find it again if looking for it even a day later.
It just seems so counter-intuitive to helping visibility using such generic, useless tags?
#AlexProyas tag must bring in fans later? #Tagging
#DarkCity #movies #alexproyas #tagging
Seratona sci-fi su RaiMovie: #SevenSisters e #DarkCity.
Dark City a mio avviso troppo sottovalutato, probabilmente poco conosciuto. 😉
It's like a cross between Hellraiser, Blade Runner and Brazil. With Rufus Sewell, who is such an under appreciated actor. #Darkcity
So this little game I've been playing has a scene in which an old fashioned film reel shows a super condensed, hand-drawn, animated version of the film Dark City, which was a great easter egg for me (I know it's not really an easter egg) because I LOVE Dark City. One of my all-time favorites. (Dark City trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gt9HkO-cGGo)
I was surprised that the undoubtedly *much* younger people who created the game knew of it!
If you'd like to see, I've queued it up in this Youtube walkthrough video. It lasts about 30 seconds.
#DarkCity #game #puzzle #PuzzleGame #Isoland3 #cute #film #animation #HandDrawn #art
#DarkCity #game #puzzle #puzzlegame #isoland3 #cute #Film #animation #handdrawn #art
New beautiful KS volume received: "A|State", a dark FitD set in a kafkian and dystopian city - with strong Dark City vibes.
The game is by Jon Hodgson and Handiwork Games, and it features gorgeous illustrations, good layout, and good quality overall.
Looking forward to trying it at the table!
#ttrpg #astate #dystopian #fitd #jonhodgson #handiworkgames #ttrpgart #darkcity
#ttrpg #AState #dystopian #fitd #jonhodgson #handiworkgames #ttrpgart #DarkCity
Bu akşam Alex Proyas’ın #DarkCity filmini seyredicem (bilmem kaçıncı defa). Bıkamadığım, çok sevdiğim filmlerden 😌
Hi! It's time I did an #Introduction!
I'm Jess Walton. I'm a #fat, white, #queer, #nonbinary / #agender, #disabled #writer & parent living on #BoonWurrungLand.
I would love to find other writers here, and queer, fat and disabled community.
My most recent book is a graphic novel called #StarsInTheirEyes (Published in Australia by Fremantle Press in 2021, coming out in the US with Scholastic in 2023).
My picture book #IntroducingTeddy was published by Bloomsbury in 2016.
I've also started branching out into TV writing (I cowrote the disability episode of #GetKrackin season 2) and #poetry.
I'm an #amputee with #ChronicPain, #depression and #anxiety so when I'm not writing I'm usually trying to decompress / distract myself with reading, TV and film.
I read picture books, MG and YA, and #GraphicNovels for any age group! I also read #DisabilityTheory, nonfiction, memoirs, and poetry.
The TV shows I'm OBSESSED with are #OurFlagMeansDeath, #SheRaAndThePrincessesOfPower, #StevenUniverse, #Heartstopper, #DeadEnd, and #KipoAndTheAgeOfWonderbeasts
Other favourite shows are #Cleverman, #DoctorWho (the newer ones), #DerryGirls, #Centaurworld, #HeartbreakHigh (the reboot), #StrangerThings, #Utopia, #KikiAndKitty, #Hilda, #TheKateringShow, #TwelveForever & #InfinityTrain.
My favourite movies are #Ponyo, #MyNeighbourTotoro, #CripCamp (documentary), #DarkCity, and #TheBabadook.
I play #HeroesOfMightAndMagic2, #Diablo2, and #Simcity. I sing and play ukulele. That's it! That's Me!
#introduction #fat #queer #nonbinary #disabled #starsintheireyes #introducingteddy #poetry #amputee #chronicpain #depression #anxiety #graphicnovels #disabilitytheory #OurFlagMeansDeath #sheraandtheprincessesofpower #stevenuniverse #Heartstopper #deadend #kipoandtheageofwonderbeasts #cleverman #doctorwho #derrygirls #Centaurworld #heartbreakhigh #strangerthings #utopia #kikiandkitty #hilda #thekateringshow #twelveforever #ponyo #MyNeighbourTotoro #CripCamp #DarkCity #thebabadook #heroesofmightandmagic2 #diablo2 #simcity #infinitytrain #getkrackin #agender #writer #boonwurrungland
Bon, dans la version Director's Cut précédente c’est Anita Kesley qui chante et non Jennifer Connely, d’où les problèmes de synchro du playback
La version de Jennifer Connely c’est celle-ci
#DarkCity #film #soundcheck #pouetradio
Haaaaa j’ai envie de revoir Dark City
#DarkCity #film #soundcheck #pouetradio