Bischoff isn't blameless, and while I feel certain that Double J was just a pawn in THIS incident, Russo is a fucking idiot. #DarkSideoftheRing #professionalwrestling #prowrestling
#DarkSideOfTheRing #professionalwrestling #prowrestling
Of all the pieces of shit involved in WCW Bash at the Beach 2000 - Vince Russo is the BIGGEST ONE. This is saying something considering Hogan was involved. #DarkSideoftheRing #professionalwrestling #prowrestling
#DarkSideOfTheRing #professionalwrestling #prowrestling
TV TONIGHT (August 8)
#OMITB #HotWheelsUltimateChallenge #HardKnocks #DoublingDownWithTheDerricos #SkinwalkerRanch #DestinationNBA #NeverSeenAgain #Zombieverse #DeadliestCatch #WWENXT #StorageWars #WindyCityRehab #DarkSideOfTheRing #JustifiedCityPrimeval
#justifiedcityprimeval #DarkSideOfTheRing #windycityrehab #storagewars #WWENXT #deadliestcatch #zombieverse #neverseenagain #destinationnba #skinwalkerranch #doublingdownwiththederricos #hardknocks #hotwheelsultimatechallenge #OMITB
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #NWA's #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #nwa #NWAPOWERRR
TV TONIGHT (July 25)
#WindyCityRehab #PrimalSurvivor #JimGaffigan #MarkNormand #Sintonia #ThePatrickStarShow #TheGoldenBoyHBO #AGT #SharkWeek #WWENXT #CustomerWars #Outdaughtered #Chopped #JustifiedCityPrimeval #DarkSideOfTheRing #HighSpeedChase
#highspeedchase #DarkSideOfTheRing #justifiedcityprimeval #Chopped #outdaughtered #customerwars #WWENXT #sharkweek #AGT #thegoldenboyhbo #ThePatrickStarShow #sintonia #marknormand #JimGaffigan #primalsurvivor #windycityrehab
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT presents #NXTGoldRush live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #nxtgoldrush #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT presents #NXTGoldRush live on #USANetwork
(2 of 2)
#usanetwork #nxtgoldrush #WWENXT #vicetv #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch
New episode list of my shows for June 13th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
Beyond #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
#BustedOpen Podcast - Seth & Roman Title Comparisons, #Gunther-#KevinOwens:
#TalkIsJericho Podcast with #ChrisJericho - #DarkSideOfTheRing 4 – Candido, Clowns, Butchers & Dogs:
(4 of 4)
#DarkSideOfTheRing #chrisjericho #talkisjericho #kevinowens #Gunther #bustedopen
#BurdenOfProof #BeyondSkinwalkerRanch #StorageWars #CustomerWars #LateNightLockup #RHONJ #LHHATL #MyLittlePony #AGT #BeatShazam #SupermanAndLois #30for30 #WindyCityRehab #DeadliestCatch #7LittleJohnstons #DarkSideOfTheRing
#DarkSideOfTheRing #7littlejohnstons #deadliestcatch #windycityrehab #30for30 #SupermanAndLois #beatshazam #AGT #mylittlepony #LHHATL #RHONJ #latenightlockup #customerwars #storagewars #beyondskinwalkerranch #burdenofproof
New episode list of my shows for June 6th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch (x2) on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright
#POSTWrestling Podcast - POST x #Wrestlenomics - #EvanHusney on Season 4 of #DarkSideoftheRing:
#WrestlingInc Podcast - WINC Podcast (6.1.23) - #CMPunk & #AEW, Special Guest Johnny From #AvengedSevenfold:
#WomensWrestling Talk Podcast - WWT Presents - WWT News - 6.2.23
(Intergender Wrestling In #WWE):
(3 of 5)
#wwe #womenswrestling #avengedsevenfold #aew #cmpunk #wrestlinginc #DarkSideOfTheRing #evanhusney #wrestlenomics #postwrestling
#AGT #HotWheels #IThinkYouShouldLeave #LoveVillage #DoublingDownWithTheDerricos #DarkSideOfTheRing #TheGameShowShow #RoadWars #NeighborhoodWars #RHONJ #BargainMansions #LHHATL #TheUltimateFighter #BeatShazam #SupermanAndLois
#SupermanAndLois #beatshazam #theultimatefighter #LHHATL #bargainmansions #RHONJ #neighborhoodwars #roadwars #thegameshowshow #DarkSideOfTheRing #doublingdownwiththederricos #lovevillage #IThinkYouShouldLeave #hotwheels #AGT
New episode list of my shows for May 30th:
#ThePriceisRight this morning on #CBS (may be a repeat) #TPIR
#LetsMakeADeal on #CBS (may be a repeat) #LMAD
#Jeopardy (syndicated) #RIPAlexTrebek
#NWAPowerrr(Surge) on #YouTube this evening and on demand anytime
#WomenofWrestling #WoWSuperHeroes
(Now airing on #VICETV - Check Local Listings)
The Secret of #SkinwalkerRanch on #HistoryChannel
#DarkSideoftheRing (#SeasonPremiere) on #VICETV
#WWENXT live on #USANetwork
#usanetwork #WWENXT #seasonpremiere #DarkSideOfTheRing #historychannel #skinwalkerranch #vicetv #wowsuperheroes #womenofwrestling #YouTube #NWAPOWERRR #RIPAlexTrebek #jeopardy #LMAD #letsmakeadeal #tpir #cbs #thepriceisright