I'm a fan of passkeys for easier, safer authentication. So is password manager Dashlane: "With the rollout of iOS 17, Dashlane will be available as a passkey manager on both mobile and desktop, supporting passkeys across web and on Android and iOS." https://www.dashlane.com/blog/passkeys-progress-innovation
#Authentication #passkeys #PasswordManager #Dashlane #iOS17 #iOS
#iOS #ios17 #Dashlane #PasswordManager #passkeys #authentication
Interesting. My company has gifted us with Dashlane. I'll now get a chance to test the two services side by side.
My employer (a state regulatory agency) is wanting us to use an online password manager called Dashlane. I've never heard of it. Any thoughts? My thinking, of course, is that any password manager is better than none...but how is Dashlane's reputation?
Why are people still using #lastpass they have been hacked twice. #dashlane is a better option.
Why are people still using #lastpass they have been hacked twice. #dashlane is a better option.
#Passwortmanager können eine praktikable Lösung für gute und sichere Passwörter sein. "Stiftung #Warentest" (Ausgabe 7/2022) hat 16 davon - kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Programme - unter die Lupe genommen und sieben für "gut" befunden. Testsieger sind #1Password für 38 Euro und #Dashlane für 53 Euro. Der günstigste Passwortmanager mit der Note "gut" ist #Bitwarden für rund 9 Euro. Die gravierendsten Kritikpunkte fanden die Tester bei den Nutzungsbedingungen.
#bitwarden #Dashlane #1Password #warentest #passwortmanager
#bitwarden or #lastpass or #Dashlane --- what do you recommend?
#passwordmanager #helpneeded
#helpneeded #PasswordManager #Dashlane #Lastpass #BitWarden
Dashlane password manager’s Chrome extension has disappeared https://www.grahamcluley.com/dashlane-password-manager-chrome-extension/ #passwordmanager #GoogleChrome #extension #Dashlane #browser #Google
#passwordmanager #googlechrome #extension #Dashlane #browser #google