I'm learning about "#Privacy by design", a concept from the 90s by Ann Cavoukian. It says that no action should be required by individuals and that privacy must be the default and comes before-the-fact, not after. Where did we go wrong?😭 #DataProtection #DataPrivacy #GDPR #DSGVO #DataCartels
#DataCartels #dsgvo #gdpr #dataprivacy #dataprotection #privacy
Tens of thousands of work-from-home freelance #Gigworkers from around the #Globe log into online #platforms everyday. In exchange for the so called opportunity to earn income they sacrifice, unknowingly, their personal data to the #DataCartels
Completing human intelligence tasks, #Hits, & competing against each other, they fuel #SocialScience #BusinessManagement #MachineLearning #ArtificialIntelligence & #PoliticalScience #IRB approved surveys & studies; commercial businesses & brands.
#gigworkers #globe #platforms #DataCartels #hits #socialscience #businessmanagement #machinelearning #artificialintelligence #politicalscience #irb
Dear #Gigworkers,
*After* you sign into a work-from-home #platform such as MTurk, Prolific, Fiverr, Upwork, Cloud Research, etc. do run the url through
Blacklight A Real-Time Website Privacy Inspector
for a deep dive into the realities of platform labor and possible hidden exploitation
#Informed Consent
#Survey #Study
#datasos #gigworkers #platform #informed #fda #irb #fairwork #gigwork #contentmoderation #businessmarketing #socialscience #survey #study #datajustice #DataCartels
"Lamdan argues that “data analytics” companies are mining, commodifying, & selling our data & informational resources, perpetuate social inequalities & threaten the democratic sharing of knowledge. The book calls for treating information like a public good & creating digital infrastructure that supports our democratic ideals. ..."
"You might not be familiar with RELX, but it knows all about you. Reed Elsevier LexisNexis (RELX) is a Frankensteinian amalgam of publishers and data brokers, stitched together into a single information giant. There is one other company that compares to RELX—Thomson Reuters, which is also an amalgamation of hundreds of smaller publishers and data services. Together, the two companies have amassed ..."
Jetzt hat sich also wieder jemand die Finger verbrannt. Bald werden solche Systeme wahrscheinlich nicht mehr im Schaufenster liegen, aber immer mehr im Backoffice werkeln. Zur Erinnerung: Elsevier arbeitet daran, Peer Review durch AI erledigen zu lassen. Dann sind Forschende aus der Entscheidung, was relevant für den Diskurs ist, verdrängt und stören nicht mehr.
Für die Wochenplanung: Nächste Woche findet die PrivacyWeek des @c3wien statt, und wir sind dabei! Wir wollen mit euch über Data Cartels und surveillance advertising reden und freuen sich auf eine spannende Diskussion - schaut vorbei!
(26.10. 18:00 Uhr)
Hier gibt's mehr Infos über mehr coole Talks, u.a. mit @kattascha: privacyweek.at
#überwachung #privacyweek #DataCartels #google #facebook