Next are #DataCatalogs, a fairly well defined category. Core features:
Connectors that discover data and extract associated metadata from various sources. This metadata is mostly column information from relational databases.
A query interface that exposed the metadata and provides the capacity connect, comment on it and assign roles (data steward, ...).
Data lineage shows which data (=column) is derived from which other in case it's possible to get this information.
Really useful
Next are #DataCatalogs, a fairly well defined category. Core features:
Connectors that discover data and extract associated metadata from various sources. This metadata is mostly column information from relational databases.
A query interface that exposed the metadata and provides the capacity connect, comment on it and assign roles (data steward, ...).
Data lineage shows which data (=column) is derived from which other in case it's possible to get this information.
Sounds really useful
I den hÀr intervjun berÀttar jag om hur vi pÄ @metasolutions hjÀlper verksamheter att komma igÄng med sin resa kring #öppnadata och #deladedata. Det Àr alltid lika roligt att hjÀlpa nÄgon komma över tröskeln med publiceringar och vÄr skattefinansierad information kommer fler till nytta!
#DataCatalogs #SecureDataSharing #InternalDataManagement #DataVersioning #OpenDataPortals
#öppnadata #deladedata #DataCatalogs #SecureDataSharing #InternalDataManagement #DataVersioning #OpenDataPortals