Interested in how the EU #DIRECTED Project will facilitate knowledge sharing and improve dialogue & cooperation on all levels of Disaster Risk Management cycle? Check out today's poster session EGU23-13541 | NH9.17, Hall X4 | X4.88 16:15–18:00 #datafabric #EGU23 #DRR
#directed #DataFabric #egu23 #drr
Searching for differences between #DataMesh and #DataFabric architectures yields tons of sponsored big-org articles on Google. That's fine but unfortunately they all seem really low quality, probably written by a content team that has little idea about data management but thar writes just well enough to get high search rankings with a little monetary boost. I wonder if that's better or worse than chatGPT.
New analyst perspective: IBM’s Cloud Pak for Data Builds a Foundation for Data Fabric #DataManagement #DataFabric