I may have some projects coming up using DB2. While looking into #IntelliJ from #jetbrains for some #java projects, I came across #DataGrip. I see it has the ability to connect to DB2... Is anyone aware of issues, concerns, gotchas, etc., if the DB2 database is running on AIX?
I've been living in the Microsoft development world for many years now and I haven't touched Java or DB2 in a very, very long time...
#IntelliJ #jetbrains #java #DataGrip
Anyone for a good alternative to #DataGrip on #Linux? I'm excluding MySQLWorkbench, DBeaver, PHPMyAdmin and Adminer.
Any GUI that does the job well and does not crash? #database #SQL
I want to be able to use #Postgresql
#DataGrip #linux #database #sql #postgresql
@mgreco Not sure if it's something that you would consider, but I am using #JetBrains #DataGrip
@khalidabuhakmeh I hope you might be able to point me to an answer about #DataGrip Does the #Kafka integration with Big Data Tools plugin work in the same fashion as Offset Explorer?
@khalidabuhakmeh I hope you might be able to point me to an answer about #DataGrip Does the #Kafka integration with Big Data Tools plugin work in the same fashion as Offset Explorer?
@oliver nope
I’m a @pop_os_official fanboy
And only use MySQL WB for a couple of things when doing admin work on the server (use privileges for instance are not very easy with SQL commands)
Really prefer mycli over the command line or #datagrip that is bundled with #phpstorm
I have been at work ALL day today and I suddenly find out I haven't used my terminal once.
It is not even running.
Given it is almost #hometime that must be a record.
I have had my head in #datagrip all day though.
#dataMigration #DataGrip #hometime
Is this machine suitable for beginning #Linux development? I'll basically be running #JetbrainsRider and #DataGrip. My other machines have 32 GB RAM but the solutions I've been running have like 100 projects in them, with 14 microservices running at the same time. Probably my son will also use it to watch Darkwing Duck before bedtime.
#linux #jetbrainsrider #DataGrip
For the love of god #jetbrains - please add a simplified import/export functionality to #DataGrip.
@cdchap Mysql #Workbench does have decent "ERD" tools so that is a strong option.
Also you could get a trial of #datagrip perhaps