@adfichter Wer auf den Link zum Artikel von @jprogin auf der Website der #UHZ klickt, wird an #Google gemeldet, wie ein Test mit dem #PrivacyBadger zeigt.
#DoNotFeedTheGoogle #Dateninkontinenz #DataIncontinency
#DataIncontinency #dateninkontinenz #donotfeedthegoogle #privacybadger #google #uhz
The #Firefox #Extension #Lightbeam comes with a new Fuse mode (Beta) that can visualize e.g. all #Google servers as one instance. This is a great enhancement!
To test:
Description and test instructions:
#privacy #dataincontinency #dateninkontinenz #tracking #trackers #pistage
#pistage #trackers #tracking #dateninkontinenz #DataIncontinency #privacy #google #lightbeam #extension #firefox
@timnitGebru @emilymbender @mmitchell_ai
Hmmm. I clicked on the link - #Google & Co. now know that I'm interested in #LanguageModels and the #StochasticParrots Day.
#DataIncontinency #Privacy #donotfeedthegoogle
#donotfeedthegoogle #privacy #DataIncontinency #stochasticparrots #languagemodels #google
@marcrr @dee_unil For people who do not want to be #track|ed by #Google et.al., the website is not usable...
#privacy #dataincontinency
#DataIncontinency #privacy #google #track
@mastodonmigration You can avoid that by NOT using #Google docs, but by providing your information in a non tracking way, e.g. on your website https://mastodonmigration.com/
#mastodonmigration #twittermigration #privacy #dataincontinency #tracking
#tracking #DataIncontinency #privacy #twittermigration #mastodonmigration #google
"Extended spellcheck features in #Google #Chrome and #Microsoft #Edge web browsers transmit form data, including personally identifiable information (#PII) and in some cases, #passwords, to Google and Microsoft respectively."
See: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/google-microsoft-can-get-your-passwords-via-web-browsers-spellcheck/
...but be aware that for this website, #PrivacyBadger counts contacts to 13 third party sites including Google...
#DataIncontinency #privacy
#privacy #DataIncontinency #privacybadger #passwords #pii #edge #microsoft #chrome #google
#Lightbeam um #Dateninkontinenz von Websites zu visualisieren, sowie #PrivacyBadger
Lightbeam to visualize #DataIncontinency of web sites and PrivacyBadger
#DataIncontinency #privacybadger #dateninkontinenz #lightbeam