Brand-new FAIRsharing Champion #AdamPartridge has worked with us to create our **FAIRsharing for you: #librarians, #trainers, and #DataStewards** factsheet
Find out how FAIRsharing supports roles that themselves support good #ResearchDataManagement #RDM!
@allysonlister @lnanderscience @kylecopas @neuropelletier @msandstr @GenevievMichaud @stephenserjeant
#universityofsheffield #UKRN #rdm #researchdatamanagement #DataStewards #Trainers #librarians #adampartridge
We have created a learning objectives matrix that summarises relevant teaching content for #RDM as well as related learning objectives for Bachelor, Master, PhD and #DataStewards.
Now there is also an English version available 🔗
Thanks to #NFDI4Health for their help! 💫
#rdm #DataStewards #NFDI4Health #rdmtraining #researchdatamanagement #openscience #opendata
I've just found this literature review on the needs of #DataStewards and #ResearchDataManagement by the Professionalising Data Stewardship IG Training Sub-group It cites & #terms4FAIRskills
#DataStewards #researchdatamanagement #terms4fairskills
#GerbiJob 4: The immediate effort is a fairly short-term one (6 months), but as part of the National German Research Initiative (#NFDI), we'll be building a 5-year team of #DataStewards in March.
A chance to get to know one another?🤔
If so, DMs open & email is in the PDF!
Sounds like a very interesting #FairDataDay you're having @martateperek ! 🙂
This comment stands out to me as particularly important. You need the support of people in #DataStewardship roles (#librarians #dataChampions #dataStewards) but you also need an understanding throughout your community about the importance of working towards #fair
#fair #DataStewards #datachampions #librarians #DataStewardship #fairdataday