Been given a box of spare ROMs, allegedly found in a pile of #Datatrak gear that turned up on ebay some time ago.
After matching up the images, I found what appears to be LFTX v8.1.1.8 - the LF transmitter software.
Sadly it doesn't boot in the Locator emulator. Digging further, the rackmount hardware was a Force Computers 68000 VME-Bus system, and the unknown writes are to mystery VME cards.
Wish I knew the first thing about #VMEbus...
#Datatrak teaser: a sales leaflet from the early days. You can tell it's early because it shows Securicor and Wimpey/Wimpol's involvement. Later on Wimpey stepped back and handed the reins to Securicor.
The Locator in the photo is the Mk1, the original 68008 based unit.
edit: I love the little photo of the #DEC hardware - an RA81 hard drive and something else on top of it.
"How would you like a pile of #Datatrak stuff? I found it in our store cupboard and saw your website on Google when I tried to find out about it."
It's going to take ages to dig through these boxes of old hardware.
"How would you like a pile of #Datatrak stuff? I found it in an old building I'm clearing out and saw your website on Google."
It's going to take ages to dig through these boxes of old hardware.
I've just uploaded the #Datatrak Locator Mk2 reverse-engineered schematic to Github -
This is a long-running project (started in around 2019) and I'm glad to finally have this part finished!
The #Datatrak Locator Mk2 schematic is coming along nicely. Finished the 68K and 8031 CPU schematics and I/O, which just leaves the LF radio input to enter into KiCad.